Letters: Stop unjust immigration law

Johnson County Supervisor Jon Green speaks to a crowd of more than 75 demonstrators protesting Senate File 2340 on Monday, July 1, 2024, in Iowa City, Iowa.
Johnson County Supervisor Jon Green speaks to a crowd of more than 75 demonstrators protesting Senate File 2340 on Monday, July 1, 2024, in Iowa City, Iowa.

Stop unjust immigration law

Thanks to Ryan Hansen for his article on July 3. We're not criminals. His report highlights the pain and heartache from our unjust border laws. It reminds readers that most of us will do what it takes to make life better. We work, save and sacrifice for our loved ones and families. Like us, new immigrant Iowans work hard for their families, too.

New immigrant Iowans work hard for Iowa. They work at home to provide safety and success for the ones they love. Many work with us in our homes to do the same. Immigrant Iowans work with us to build our homes and care for them. We work together on our farms, fields and factories, shops, stores and schools, etc to make Iowa work better. The work of new Iowa immigrants makes Iowa better!

There are real solutions that create a fair immigration process and make the border work. MAGA Republicans block them. They want chaos and conflict to distract us from how they’re damaging our state and taking away from what our families need. The recent court action stopping the start of the unjust immigration law shows me that we can defeat big money and organized people power works to make our world a better place. That’s why we rallied on July 1st.  Let’s stop MAGA Republican hate peddling and keep working together for our freedoms, families and futures.

Tom Mohan is a member of the Iowa Movement for Migrant Justice. He also is a volunteer at the Iowa City Catholic Worker House and a supporter of Escucha Mi Voz.

U.S. Supreme Court versus U.S. citizens

This United States Supreme Court has seen fit to rule in favor of politicians and big business and against U.S. Citizens.

They have used flawed and corrupt logic to allow corporations and politicians and their powerful attorneys to trample on U.S. Citizen's rights.

They have allowed air and water polluters to ignore EPA regulations and to pollute without consequence. It has given them the right poison U.S. Citizens.

They have allowed politicians immunity to act above the law and the ability to direct others to also act above the law. I suspect Supreme Court justices have the same immunity. U.S. Citizens have no such immunity.

They have denied a woman's fundamental right to choose and have turned it into a political issue for states to manipulate. States are now denying women many other freedoms and rights.

They have allowed gun and ammunition manufacturers complete freedom to sell their wares with little oversight. U.S. Citizens are denied freedom from gun violence.

They have allowed corporations to provide unlimited funding to political candidates and action committees. U.S. Citizens can't compete with that.

They have allowed themselves to ignore their own ethics rules and are using their power to serve special interests and their own agenda rather than the interests of U.S. Citizens.

Healthcare and public education may soon be targets of this Supreme Court and U.S. Citizens could be denied even more rights.

Corruption has tarnished this Supreme Court. This current Supreme Court is a threat to our democracy. They have joined politicians who also threaten our democracy. Democracies should serve their citizens and not just the rich and the politically powerful.

The Supreme Court must be revamped and reorganized to serve U.S. Citizens. The Constitution requires all branches of government to serve U.S. Citizens.

Steve Bundy

Iowa City

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Letters: Stop unjust immigration law