Level 3 sex offender to be released in Cass Lake

Jul. 26—CASS LAKE — Level 3 sex offender Cory James Bebeau will be released to the 300 block of Spruce Avenue in Cass Lake on July 29, according to a release from the Cass County Sheriff's Office.

Bebeau's offenses include engaging in separate incidents of sexual contact against a known female child. Contact included penetration. Bebeau gained unmonitored access to the victim while frequenting her home. He used his established relationship of trust in an effort to maintain control, the release said.

Bebeau is 36 years old, 5-foot-10, 162 pounds and is described in the release as having black hair and brown eyes.

There are three levels of offenders based on the individual's risk to re-offend. Level one carries a lower risk to the public, level two is moderate and three is higher.

"This individual has served the sentence imposed on them by the court and is transitioning into the community. This notification is not intended to increase fear but rather raise awareness. Law enforcement believes that an informed public is a safer public," the release said. "The Cass County Sheriff's Office may not direct where this individual does or does not reside, nor can this agency direct where he/she works or goes to school."