Lewiston boy scout planning preserve upgrade

Jul. 27—Some new additions are coming to the Stonehaven Preserve in Lewiston from an unlikely source.

Boy Scout Paul Olszewski, a Lewiston resident and member of Cambria Boy Scout Troop 8, wants to restore signs and make some additions to the former camp as his Eagle Scout project.

"My first camp out for the Boy Scouts was at Stonehaven," Olszewski said, which happened back in 2016, "so I had a connection to my childhood."

The work would involve refinishing six brown and yellow signs remaining from its camp days and creating two pieces for an empty structure next to the parking lot, one being a trail map for the 66.9-acre preserve and the other a history of the site.

The Lewiston Town Board gave Olszewski the go-ahead at their Monday meeting, providing $1,786.76 from its parks account to help pay for supplies. Cooper signs will be making the two new pieces.

The Western New York Scout Council No. 380 is expected to give their approval at their July 15 meeting.

Olszewski hopes to complete the project by early November, with the initial installation over three days in July and August and finishing up sign work in early autumn. He will get plenty of help from other troop members.

Once the work is completed, either other troop members or town employees will maintain it. If all goes according to plan, Olszewski is looking to get his Eagle Scout rank by next June.