Local organizations urge Rep. John Duarte to not vote again for a $3.6 billion cut to SNAP

Central Valley organizations called on Rep. John Duarte, R-Modesto, to reject proposed cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the 2024 Farm Bill.

Members of local organizations, including Valley Families Unite and Communities for a New California Action Fund, and about 20 advocates gathered the morning of July 10 in front of Duarte’s district office in Turlock to deliver their letter.

“Congressman John Duarte, we urge you to protect the crucial funding for SNAP that many Valley residents depend on,” the letter states.

According to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, Chair Glenn Thompson’s proposal in the House Agriculture Committee would reduce SNAP funding by $30 billion over 10 years. For California families, this translates to a $3.6 billion reduction in SNAP benefits from fiscal year 2027 to fiscal year 2033.

The letter states that Duarte’s support for Thompson’s proposal puts food security at risk for numerous Central Valley families and endangers the well-being of millions nationwide.

To effectively address hunger and systemic poverty in Central Valley communities, the Farm Bill must increase essential food assistance to support the 23% of California households — 49% of which are Black households with children — that struggle with food insecurity, the letter asserts.

Valley Families Unite organizer hands the letter advocating for SNAP to Rep. Duarte’s district office staff on Jul. 10, 2024.
Valley Families Unite organizer hands the letter advocating for SNAP to Rep. Duarte’s district office staff on Jul. 10, 2024.

“I support strengthening, not cutting SNAP. The Farm Bill, which is supported by Democrats and Republicans, will help Valley families while preventing program abuse and fraud,” Duarte said in a statement to The Bee. “I am focused on making groceries more affordable, cutting gas prices and bringing good-paying jobs to our Valley.”

Irene Kao, executive director of Courage California and Valley Families Unite, said SNAP plays a crucial role in stimulating local economies and helping families afford food.

“Protecting SNAP is both a moral imperative and an economic necessity, especially for Congressional District 13 as one of the leading food producers for the state and nation,” Kao said. “Congressman Duarte has already supported cuts to SNAP with his vote for this year’s farm bill on the House Committee on Agriculture. We urge him not to vote to cut SNAP again and join in this call for solidarity for Duarte to stand up for his constituents and prevent a $3.6 billion cut to SNAP for California families.”

In Congressional District 13, represented by Duarte, nearly 19% of the population relies on SNAP for food assistance – the seventh highest in California. Merced County’s Child Food-Insecurity rate is 27.3% – the third highest in the nation and the highest in California.

Reducing SNAP benefits could exacerbate food insecurity among families. The proposed $3.6 billion cut to SNAP benefits for Californians could also result in up to $6.5 billion in lost economic activity statewide, with a significant impact on Congressional District 13, which contributes 19% of California’s agricultural sales.

“SNAP is a lifeline for many families in our district,” said Yesenia Cuevas, a local mother and advocate with CA Alliance for Retired Americans. “Cuts to this vital program would increase hunger and poverty for families that are already struggling with higher food prices and low-wages.”

Jodi Reid, director of the CA Alliance for Retired Americans, said that many of their senior members rely on fixed incomes and have few resources. She stressed that SNAP is crucial for these seniors and urged Congressman Duarte to oppose any reductions in SNAP funding.

“SNAP provides them with a vital lifeline that they cannot afford to lose,” Reid said.