Massillon man arrested on Streetsboro SWAT call after pregnant woman was strangled

Streetsboro police shut down State Route 43 near the Ohio Turnpike briefly Wednesday morning while a warrant was executed for a man accused of strangling a pregnant woman.

Streetsboro Police Lt. Richard Polivka said Metro SWAT also responded and the road was closed at a home a little north of the turnpike just after 7 a.m. as a precaution because it was reported the man might have a gun.

More: Ohio strengthens strangulation charge, becoming last state to make it a felony

However, the arrest was made quickly and the road reopened after a few minutes.

"The man came out, surrendered peacefully and was taken into custody," Polivka said. "There wasn't ever any indication that there was ever any threat or danger for the public."

Polivka added that a gun was not found, but police are obtaining a search warrant for the property.

Streetsboro Service Department assisted with closing the road, and Aurora Police provided mutual aid.

Polivka said it was reported that during an argument with the woman on Tuesday, Roger Lee Adam Moore, 35, strangled her. According to a complaint police filed Wednesday in Portage County Municipal Court in Ravenna, Moore "did strangle the victim to the point of losing consciousness, while knowing that the victim is visibly pregnant."

Polivka said that after the woman went to a hospital in Akron with bruises, the hospital called the police. An investigation then began, and the arrest warrant was obtained. The woman was not present when Moore was arrested.

Moore is currently charged with third-degree felony strangulation, but Polivka said there could be additional charges once the case goes before a grand jury.

Arraignment was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.

Court records provide the home's address for Moore, but Polivka said he is reportedly from Massillon and was living out of a vehicle at the home. Polivka said the woman was also staying at the home, but is from Akron.

Reporter Jeff Saunders can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Record-Courier: Massillon man arrested on Streetsboro SWAT call after pregnant woman was strangled