Matt Gaetz at RNC: 'The swamp draining will recommence soon.'

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Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz thanked Republicans for "having his back" in a fiery but short speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday and said the "swamp draining will recommence soon."

Gaetz's speech to the RNC and a national audience watching on TV lasted just over three and half minutes as he went after President Joe Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris while praising Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance.

Gaetz opened his speech with an allusion to Trump's survival of an assassination attempt on him Saturday.

"Donald Trump is unstoppable," Gaetz said. "Elect him president again, and America will be unstoppable, too."

Notable in Gaetz's speech was the equal number of attacks on Biden and Harris, as more prominent Democrats called for Biden to step down from the ticket. Gaetz appeared to be laying the groundwork for attacks against Harris if she is the new Democratic nominee following the Democratic National Convention next month in Chicago.

"I don't think it's too much to ask that the American president be able to do the job," Gaetz said. "Kamala Harris isn't able to do any job. She was appointed borders czar. Appointing Kamala Harris to oversee the border is like appointing Bernie Madoff to oversee your retirement plan."

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Gaetz hit Democrats for inflation and corruption by alluding to New Jersey Sen. Bob Menedez's conviction on federal corruption charges Tuesday.

"Under Biden-Harris, inflation has gotten so bad you can no longer bribe Democrat senators with cash alone," Gaetz said. "You have to use gold bars just so the bribes hold value."

Gaetz said he would be Trump's strongest support in Congress and got loud applause when he pledged to end taxpayer funding of political campaigns and ban members of Congress from becoming lobbyists and trading stocks while in office.

Gaetz also appeared to push for a federal voter ID law.

"President Trump understands that if it isn't racist to check ID for a hunting license or welfare benefits or a fishing license, then it is OK to demand an ID to vote everywhere in this country in every election that's held," Gaetz said.

Gaetz's speaking slot was early in the night as the main speaker tonight is Vance, but Gaetz has already made headlines at the convention. On Tuesday, Gaetz interrupted a CNN interview on the convention floor with former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Gaetz said McCarthy would be booed off the stage if he spoke at the convention, while McCarthy brought the allegations that Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and paid for her travel. Gaetz has vehemently denied the allegations.

Gaetz's final words of his speech were to thank Republicans for their support.

"We are on a mission to rescue and save this country, and we ride or die with Donald John Trump to the end," Gaetz said. "Thank you all so much. Thank you for having my back, and let's go get them!"

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Matt Gaetz delivers short but fiery speech at RNC