Meet the staff: TCPalm Watchdog Editor Arnie Rosenberg a curious guy who plays a mean trumpet

TCPalm Watchdog Editor Arnie Rosenberg works with reporter Gianna Montesano.
TCPalm Watchdog Editor Arnie Rosenberg works with reporter Gianna Montesano.

Arnie Rosenberg traded the mountains for the beach when he came to Florida in 2003.

A veteran journalist, he grew up in Cleveland, graduated from the Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University and worked at newspapers and magazines in Ohio and Colorado before taking a job at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale.

After about 10 years at the Sun-Sentinel, he came to the Treasure Coast. His bailiwick at TCPalm has included government and political coverage, education and investigative reporting and transportation and trending news.

Q: How did you choose to be a journalist?

A: I'm a curious guy, and I've always said being a journalist gives you a license to be nosy. A reporter has standing to ask questions no one else has the courage, or the opportunity, to ask. If you're good at this job, you'll find out information other people want to know, and they'll be eager to have you share it. I get tremendous satisfaction when someone buys my newspaper or clicks on my website to read news I helped produce. When I help a reporter make his or her story better, I'm just as proud of it as if I'd written it myself.

Q: What is your favorite part about being a journalist?

A: Knowing stuff before other people do. People still don't stop asking me about Brightline.

Q: What is your most memorable story?

A: My most memorable assignment was as a reporter in Northeast Ohio, covering the Cleveland Indians' World Series runs in 1995 and 1997. (Yes, I was at Game 7 in '97 to see them lose to the Marlins, and I'm still traumatized.) One of my most important stories continues today: Brightline. As an editor and reporter, I've been covering Brightline, through all its different names, for some 12 years. I edited the story when the railroad was first announced in 2012. When I came to TCPalm, people were just beginning to grasp the potential impact. My reporting, and the subsequent reporting of many other reporters over the years, has informed and educated the Treasure Coast about how Brightline would affect, and change, their lives. And now it's here.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

A: I've played the trumpet since third grade, and still am a musician today as a member of the Symphonic Band of the Palm Beaches. (I've always wanted to learn the harmonica, too, and one of these days I'll learn.) My wife, Fran, and I love to socialize with friends, go to the beach and along with our 14-year-old Havanese, Valentine, we're enjoying our new home in Port St. Lucie.

Arnie Rosenberg is TCPalm's Watchdog Editor. You can reach him at 561-704-2381 and

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Watchdog editor Arnie Rosenberg is TCPalm's resident Brightline expert