Mexican drug cartel members behead rival Zetas in 'horrific' 3 min. video clip

Washington, June 30 (ANI): A new, horrific footage shows members of a Mexican drug cartel beheading hostages from a rival gang Zetas, marking the latest act of violence in the growing war over drug-smuggling territories in Mexico. The 3-minute clip, which was posted on, shows five shirtless members of the Zetas cartel, marked by black 'Z's on their chests, kneeling in front of four masked members of the Gulf cartel, while the masked men hold knives as each Zeta member gives his name. In the video, each hostage says he was sent by "Z-40," referring to the Zeta cartel's second-in-command, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, who is known as "40." According to the New York Daily news, "40" and his two brothers are wanted in Texas for allegedly laundering millions of dollars in drug money through a horse racing company while the U.S. has reportedly offered a five million dollar reward for any information leading to Morales's capture. "You find yourselves here because you came to f--- us. Pay attention, men," the video's unidentified narrator says when the Zeta members finish speaking, following which three members of the Gulf cartel begin to slowly hack off the heads of the Zetas with their knives. "This is how all your filthy people are going to end," the narrator says as the prisoners plead for their lives. The video ends a minute later when the masked men hold up three of the severed heads, but he two other Zeta hostages are not shown. "Very good, very good," the narrator adds. According to the grainy clip was shot in Rio Bravo, Mexico, which is located about six miles from the U.S. border, just south of McAllen, Texas, but it's yet unclear when the video was shot. The Zetas cartel, which once worked as the Gulf cartel's security force, was founded when the two groups split in 2010. (ANI)