Moderate former Republican seeks State House seat as Democrat

I am Charles Robert "Chuck" Work. I am running for the Florida State House of Representatives District 81 as a Democrat.

I am a moderate. I oppose extremism on both sides of the aisle. As a former prosecutor, I find the idea of "defunding the police" ridiculous. And I find the idea of sunsetting Social Security and Medicare and walking away from NATO even more ridiculous.

Charles Work
Charles Work

My wife, Veronica Haggart, and I were life-long Republicans. We left the party after the insurrection on January 6. We like to say "the Republican Party left us."

I believe in truth, not lies. I believe in facts not misinformation. I believe in civility in public life.

I believe the state should have no role in regulating women's health care choices. I support Amendment 4.

I believe climate change is real.

I believe the state should do more to help with the current insurance crisis.

I believe good government is not bombast and culture wars. Good government is working with experts to establish common goals in order to move in a measured way towards improving lives for all Americans.

I believe a convicted felon should not be eligible to be president of the United States.

I believe in democracy, not dictatorship.

I believe the voters in District 81 deserve a choice.

Find out more about me at

Charles Work is a resident of Naples.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Moderate former Republican seeks State House seat as Democrat