Music Can Take Your Workout to the Next Level, Study Finds

Listening to music can help people enjoy working out at a higher intensity for short periods of time, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that people who normally exercise moderately are more enthusiastic about working out at a higher intensity if they listen to music while they sweat.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) — in which people alternate between short periods of intense anaerobic exercise and less-intense recovery periods — can help people stay fit when they don’t have a lot of time to exercise. In a news release, study co-author and doctoral candidate Matthew Stork says:

“Newer research has established that as little as 10 minutes of intense HIIT, three times per week can elicit meaningful health benefits For busy people who may be reluctant to try HIIT for the first time, this research tells us that they can actually enjoy it, and they may be more likely to participate in HIIT again if they try it with music.”

By adopting an HIIT regimen, people can reduce exercise from “the dreaded 150-minute weekly total” to just 30 minutes a week, and still stay in shape, Stork says.

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