NC’s Franklin Graham had a plea to Donald Trump, and he listened. ‘I’ve been very good.’

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As he accepted his party’s third nomination for president Thursday night, Donald Trump pointed to North Carolina evangelist Franklin Graham and delivered the oddest, funniest thank you that’s ever likely to emanate from such a stage.

Prompting laughter, Trump said he was trying his best to follow Graham’s recent plea to stop cussing at political rallies.

On X, formerly known as Twitter, Graham, the son of the late Billy Graham, on Friday posted a Fox News video clip of Trump’s nearly 2-minute spiel. The post drew 27,000 likes by Saturday afternoon.

“I want to thank Franklin Graham for being here tonight, he’s an outstanding man,” Trump said, drawing applause at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

“He wrote me a note recently — I have a lot of respect for him,” Trump said.

Quoting Graham’s note, Trump said: “‘Sir, I love your storytelling. I think it’s great in front of the big rallies. But sir, please do me one favor. It won’t make any difference. Please, don’t use any foul language.”

The convention erupted in laughter, but Trump was only warming up the gathering.

“I’ve got to have a little talk with Franklin, but he was great. He’s a great gentleman.

“My father used to love taking me to see Billy Graham. My father would take me to see Billy Graham at Yankee Stadium,” Trump said, prompting applause.

“He had the biggest rallies you’ve ever seen,” Trump said. “He was a big rally guy, too.”

That drew even more laughter.

“But he’d get up and he was fantastic,” Trump said. “My father loved Billy Graham.”

Billy Graham died on Feb. 21, 2018, at his home in Montreat. He was 99.

Franklin Graham is president of the Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Boone-based Samaritan’s Purse international crisis response organization.

“But I like Franklin Graham,” Trump said. “I think Franklin’s been fantastic. And I’m trying, I’m working so hard to adhere to his note to me.”

The convention applauded.

“But if the events of last Saturday make anything clear, it is that every single moment we have on earth is a gift from God,” Trump said, referring to being shot at a rally in western Pennsylvania. A spectator was fatally shot and others injured.

That prompted shouts of “Yeah!” from convention goers.

“I recently told President @realDonaldTrump that his stories would be even better without foul language,” Graham said in his post.on X. “It seems like he really took that to heart!

“He’s also right about this — “Every single moment is a gift from God.”

Trump will hold a rally at Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte at 6 p.m. Wednesday, according to a Friday announcement by his campaign. Doors will open at 2 p.m.

Members of the public can request up to two tickets online.