Ohio leaders react to JD Vance as VP pick on GOP ticket with Donald Trump

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Former President Donald Trump chose U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, to run with him as his vice president.

He made the announcement Monday on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

More: Ohio Sen. JD Vance Donald Trump's pick for vice president

Here's a look at what political leaders are saying about the choice:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine

"This is a great day for Ohio," DeWine told reporters at the convention.

"Politics and public policy is a lot about personal relationships, like most things in life, and having someone who, you know, I can pick up the phone and call as vice president will make a big difference," he said.

Ohio Democratic Party Chair Liz Walters

Walters called Vance an "out-of-touch millionaire" in a statement and said he has spent his time as a senator "humiliating himself in the service of a convicted felon instead of working to improve the quality of life for Ohioans."

"His support for a national abortion ban and his twisted belief that women should stay in violent marriages for the benefit of their children exemplifies his dangerous extremism. He's not just wrong for Ohio, he's wrong for the country," Walters said.

Ohio Republican Party Chair Alex Triantafilou

"Ohio is swelling with pride today," he said in a statement.

"Sen. Vance understands the devastating impact that Joe Biden’s policies have had on working Americans. With inflation crushing the middle class, Sen. Vance will join the president in restoring America’s economic strength."

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio

“I’ve always put politics aside and worked with anyone to get things done for Ohio – that’s what I’ve done with Senator Vance just like I did with Senator Portman before him. My focus remains where it has always been: delivering for Ohioans and fighting for the Dignity of Work.”

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno

Moreno called Vance a "brilliant selection."

"JD is a dynamic, visionary leader who is the perfect messenger for the America First agenda alongside President Trump. He will fight with President Trump for our middle class, secure our border, and unleash American energy. I am proud to call JD a friend and I look forward to working with him to fire Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Sherrod Brown," he said on X.

U.S. Rep. Greg Landsman, D-Cincinnati

"Mr. Vance is not a unity selection. He gained fame and wealth by disrespecting Southwest Ohio, and he made national headlines when he compared Donald Trump to Hitler during the 2016 election. The brand of politics Mr. Vance has practiced does not meet the seriousness of this moment."

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, a Republican

"JD Vance is a perfect pick — tough, smart and high-energy. He knows what it’s like to have to fight, what it’s like to win, and what it’s like to serve."

Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague, a Republican

"America First and Ohio Proud! Once again, President Trump hits it out of the park! We’re proud to see Ohio’s own (JD Vance) join the GOP ticket and take center stage in reclaiming the White House this November."

Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens, R-Kitts Hill

"I’ve known JD since 2017. He’s the kind of leader whose Appalachian roots and America First values will serve this country well as our next vice president. Once again, President Trump knocks it out of the park!"

Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy

“I think he's going to be an outstanding Vice President," Ramaswamy told the USA TODAY Ohio Bureau. "He's a model of what we need more of his politics, frankly. He's energetic. He' has a clear-headed ideology, clear-headed vision."

Ramaswamy said the one negative will be losing Vance in the U.S. Senate.

“He is a fighter with his heart in the right place for the country and we need to see more people like him in American politics. So I'm glad for him, and I think he's going to be part of probably the most formidable ticket in American history," he said.

U.S. Rep. Joyce Beatty D-Columbus

“Senator J.D. Vance has shifted from openly expressing his disdain for Trump, once referring to him as 'America’s Hitler' and declaring he was 'never a Trump guy,' to now joining him on the ticket. The policies endorsed by Senator Vance have been detrimental not only to Ohio but to the entire country."

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Ohio leaders react: Donald Trump picks JD Vance for vice president