Oklahoma death row inmate scheduled for June execution

May 28—An Oklahoma death row inmate is set to be put to death in June following a ruling that puts 90-days in between executions in the state.

The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals scheduled an execution date for 66-year-old Richard Rojem.

A Washita County jury sentenced Rojem to death for the July 1984 death of 7-year-old Layla Cummings along with two 1,000-year sentences for rape and kidnapping.

Evidence presented during the trial said Cummings was abducted from her residence during the early morning hours of July 7, 1984. Her body was found later that morning in a field by a farmer.

The medical examiner testified Cummings dues from two large stab wounds to the neck with additional stab wounds found on the body with the exam also finding injuries consistent with forces rape, according to court records.

Investigators connected Rojem to the murder after learning he recently divorced the child's mother and learned from a family member the mother's work schedule and that the lock to the residence was broken.

According to court records, a beer cup with Rojem's fingerprint was found 25 feet away from the residence the morning of the disappearance with video evidence showing Rojem being at a local bar the night before that served beer in the same cups.

A search of Rojem's apartment found used condoms that matched the brand of condom wrapping found near the girl's body, The brand was sold in a restroom dispenser at the bar Rojem was at with video showing the man entering the restroom before leaving the bar, court records state.

During questioning, Rojem told police he left the bar when it closed and slowly drove to the Burns Flat Superette, a distance of 24.7 miles, and arrived at 1:10 a.m. on July 7.

Rojem's first conviction was thrown out by the state's appeal court due to an issue with jury instructions. A new jury resentenced Rojem to the death penalty in 2003. That sentence was also thrown out due to a mistake during the jury selection process.

He was again resentenced to death in 2007 by a Washita County jury with his appeals exhausting in 2017.

The Oklahoma Attorney General's Office asked OCCA to schedule Rojem for execution after a Pittsburg County Judge ruled death row inmate Wade Lay incompetent for execution. The request was also made after OCCA agreed to the AG's office request to set executions in 90-day intervals to reduce stress on state corrections staff.

Rojem was originally scheduled to be executed in October 2023 under a previous schedule that was later changed due to scheduling requests made by the AG's office.