Phiyega tells Zuma why she should not be suspended

National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega on Monday submitted her reasons on why she should not be suspended pending an inquiry into her fitness to hold office.

“President Jacob Zuma established a Board of Inquiry into the allegations of misconduct by the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service‚ Gen Victoria Phiyega‚ and/or her capacity to execute official duties efficiently‚ last week on 22 September 2015‚” a statement by the Presidency said on Monday.

“The president furnished Gen Phiyega with the terms of reference following her request for further clarity with regards to the inquiry and also provided her with an opportunity to make representations by the 28th of September as to why she should not be suspended pending the final determination of her fitness to hold office.

“Gen Phiyega submitted her response today‚ on 28 September and these will be considered by the president.”

Image source: GCIS