Potsdam school board makes annual appointments for upcoming school year

Jul. 17—POTSDAM — The Potsdam Central School District Board of Education made numerous annual appointments for the upcoming 2024-25 school year during its meeting last week.

Davida M. Martin was appointed school district clerk with a $7,500 stipend. Martin was also appointed deputy district treasurer.

Cara Adams was appointed district treasurer at a $70,000 salary.

Ferrara, Fiorenza PC was designated as the law firm for school attorneys at rates that range from $140 per hour for paralegals to $235 per hour for partners, senior counselors and for counselor attorneys.

Sandra Janke was named internal claims auditor and will be paid a $4,000 stipend.

The board named D'Angelo as the independent auditor firm for a $21,900 annual fee.

The school medical director will be Noreen Von Borstel from St. Lawrence Health.

New York State Schools Insurance Reciprocal (NYSIR) will be the district insurance carrier for a $125,991 annual fee.

Pupil Benefits will be the student insurance carrier for a $17,223 annual fee.

Timothy McGill law firm will be the district bond counsel with a fee structure determined by the note or bond issuances.

Cynthia Goliber was named district tax collector and will be paid a $5,000 stipend.

The CPSE, CSE, and 504 committees are Jennifer Neaton, Melissa Joy, Sarah Baker, Whitney McRobbie, Joshua Brown, Kerri Canedy, Todd Canedy and Amanda Flint.

The board named educational liaisons including: homeless liaisons Mark Bennett, Susan Hewlett, Melissa Joy and Patricia Varney; neglected/delinquent transition liaison Mark Bennett; migrant student data point of contact Jennifer Neaton; foster care point of contact Laura Hart; and threat assessment team Jerry Griffin, Christopher Johnson, Whitney McRobbie, Susan Hewlett, Darrin Basford, Kristin Brown, Kristin Towne, Zachary Marcellus, Michael Neaton, Edward Sachs, Tarik Ait Maatallah, Michael Ames, Corbin Gates-Shult, Lindsey Best and Carolyn Tracy.

Jennifer Neaton is the compliance officer for Section 504 complaints.

Laura Hart is the Title IX compliance officer.

St. Lawrence-Lewis medical plan and workers comp representatives are Laura Hart and Jerry Griffin.

Records management and records access officer is Davida Martin.

Dignity for All Students Act coordinator is Daniel Cook and associates are Joann Cross, Kristin Towne and Sharlee Thomas.

Attendance officers are Jennifer Urias (high school), Joey Shelly (middle school) and Savannaha Martinez (elementary school). Attendance secretaries are Lory Richard (high school), Sarah Austin (middle school) and Geri Lynn Wilson (elementary school).

ESSA-funded programs coordinator is Mark Bennett, who is also the data protection officer.

Asbestos compliance officer is Patrick McLaughlin.

Concussion management team is Zachery Marcellus, Joey Shelly, Jennifer Urias, Michelle Garrow and the school medical director.