Project 2025 Negates the Bill of Rights

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

It was 248 years ago on July 4 that the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence. This document served as the official termination of authoritarian British rule over the United States and became the foundation of our Constitution.

Have you heard about Project 2025? This is the Heritage Foundation’s 900-page manifesto for the first 180 days if the Republicans capture the White House in the upcoming Presidential election.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative, politically active non-profit with strong ties to dark money and Christian Nationalists. The 2025 Project lays out an authoritarian form of government. By eliminating the checks and balances built into the three branches of government, the plan will expand control to the executive branch. I have highlighted five points of the Project.

  • The Project will terminate thousands of employees from the civil service replacing them with party loyalists whether they are qualified or not. The Department of Justice and the FBI will be rearranged. The department will go from being independent from political pressure to alliance to the administration. This will alter who is accountable and equal under the law.

  • The Project specifically targets the LGBTQ+ and racial communities. Discrimination protections provided under the Equality Act will be eliminated denying access to housing, education, employment opportunities, credit and more just because of who they are or whom they love.

  • Project 2025 calls for the elimination of climate and environmental policies. How will new policies affect our natural resources and air pollution? Whose pocketbook reaps the financial benefits?

  • Public education will be overhauled. Will the new reforms stifle history and global issues? Critical Race Theory, a higher academic approach examines how race and racism function in American institutions. CRT is not a general curriculum in grades K-12. The governor of Virginia established a hotline allowing parents and community members to report CRT in the classroom. Educators across the US are being censored for broaching controversial topics. Since January 2021, free speech PEN America researcher Jeffrey Sachs says thirty-five states have introduced 137 bills limiting what schools can teach regarding race, the Holocaust, American history, politics, sexual orientation and gender identity. A conservative mom’s group in New Hampshire is offering $500 to catch teachers who break a state law prohibiting certain teachings about racism and sexism. According to Moms for Liberty, Monroe County has a chapter.

What better way to control the masses than to keep them ignorant of the world around them?

  • Women’s health will be at risk. Reproductive choices for women, aside from abortion, will be narrowed to following a fertility schedule also known as the non-reliable rhythm method. The Burwell v. Hobby Lobby ruling by the US Supreme Court ruled that for profit organizations could refuse to cover birth control based on their religious beliefs. Senate Bill 8 in Texas encourages private citizens from around the country to sue anyone who aids or abets a person more than six weeks into their pregnancy seeking an abortion. we see bounties and special rights granted to those who tell on their neighbors?

Will we lose our privacy protections provided through HIPPA?

Our country is far from perfect, and we have big problems. They did not begin with Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

Project 2025 is a roadmap to subvert democracy.

The Bill of Rights laid out such rights for American citizens as freedom of speech, religion, peaceful protest, privacy and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances to name a few.

Remember these rights on Election Day in November. Be informed. Our voices matter.

—Cynthia Vincent is a member of Stronger Together Huddle, a group engaged in supporting and promoting the common good of all. She resides in Temperance and can be reached at

This article originally appeared on The Monroe News: Project 2025 Negates the Bill of Rights