Who will protect the California taxpayer?

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The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act put forth an initiative that would require a majority of voters to approve increases in regulations and taxes by two-thirds vote just like 1978 Jarvis-Gann Amendment protecting property taxes known as Proposition 13.

This initiative was the voters’ best hope to stop the progressive tax and spend. Gov. Gavin Newsom filed a lawsuit with the state Supreme Court to bar this initiative from being placed on the November ballot for the voters to determine how much more taxes they are willing to pay.

Surprise: The California Supreme Court unanimously agreed this ballot measure will not be on the ballot in November. California taxpayer: prepare yourself for more tax increases that will be passed by Newsom and his controlled legislative members.

Kay Hillery, Indian Wells

A decision for the ages?

After the recent Supreme Court ruling in relation to presidential immunity, I found myself wondering whether it would follow that the Capitol police, Congress and the former vice president could be prosecuted for blocking an official act of the president? If you’re thinking that’s an absurd idea, I agree. But who would’ve guessed? The former president now threatens to send Liz Cheney before a military tribunal and to jail top elected officials, including President Biden and Vice President Harris. Of course, he’s just joking, right?

The issue brought before the court was whether presidents should be immune from prosecution for decisions and actions taken during their time in office. I’d always thought that the question of immunity was intended to cover potential actions responding to threats to national security in some manner. Two of the indictments against former President Trump concern an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election following 60 court cases in which virtually no evidence of voter fraud was presented. Personally, I think an effort to overturn a free and fair election is a threat to national security.

By delaying, the Supreme Court has ensured that future presidential elections will likely be contested ad nauseum, regardless of the vote count, if the incumbent isn’t happy with the results.

Is this really happening here? Sure sounds like it.

Tom Charlesworth, Palm Springs

Biden’s refusal to take a cognitive test speaks volumes

Many Americans face challenges associated with taking the car keys from an aging friend or relative who is no longer capable of driving safely. That person, due to their cognitive decline, is unable to see what appears obvious to the rest of the world. They are a danger to themselves and others.

Over the past few weeks, Joe Biden has shown the public that he is clearly lacking the mental acuity to run this country effectively. As reported in the Wall Street Journal many of his close associates say that he is “slipping,” “slow” and “not the same person that he used to be.” With his finger on the nuclear button, he is not allowed to have a "bad night." There are no do-overs in real life. His refusal to take a cognitive test can only be interpreted as a fear of what it might reveal.

Democrats, it is time to take away the keys!

Mark Susskind, Rancho Mirage

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Who will protect the California taxpayer?