Rampage! Midway realeases classic arcade game pack for iOS

Arcade game mega-publisher of yore Midway today announced the release of the Midway Arcade iOS app, a collection of classic games that anyone who came of age in the heady early 80’s will undoubtedly want to check out. The 99 cent app includes 10 nostalgic hits such as Rampage, Joust, and Spy Hunter. Additional fantasy and action app packs, featuring the Gauntlet series and NARC among others, will be available for an additional 99 cents each through in-app purchases.

Although a popular fixture of gaming arcades throughout the 1980’s, Midway Games had less luck in the 21st century, falling on hard times and eventually filing for bankruptcy in 2009. In a sign of things to come, Sumner Redstone divested himself of the flailing company in December 2008, selling all his stock and $70 million in debt to a private investor for a paltry $100,000. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment eventually bought the rights to the fallen game developer’s name and library, and will be releasing the iOS app.

“The games featured in Midway Arcade helped define the arcade gaming space and the App Store is the perfect platform to deliver these legacy games to the current generation of gamers,” said Greg Ballard, Senior Vice President, Digital Games, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in a press release. “Longtime arcade fans can reconnect with their early favorites, and new players can fall in love with these groundbreaking arcade classics.”

Midway began its life in 1958 as a mechanical amusement game manufacturer, and spanned the decades, moving first to video game arcades, and ultimately to home consoles. Its wildly popular 90’s hits included the NBA Jam sports franchise and Mortal Kombat, the fighting series viewed at the time as so gory that its existence lead to the creation of the ESRB. Although NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat have both seen iOS releases, this will be the first time these classic titles are available.

The Midway Arcade app, coupled with a slick device such as iCade’s arcade cabinet for iPad, will have many of us reliving our arcade glory days. This time around though, save your quarters and pass the New Coke.

This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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