Somerville man charged with distributing child porn

A 30-year-old Somerville man has been arrested for allegedly distributing child porn.

Allan Lopez Arrieta, also known as Allana Arrieta, was charged with second-degree distribution and third-degree possession of images depicting the sexual exploitation and/or abuse of a child and fourth-degree tampering with evidence, Somerset County Prosecutor John McDonald said.

An investigation confirmed numerous tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children involving online messaging applications containing images of child sexual abuse material, were associated with associated with Lopez Arrieta, McDonald said.

More: North Plainfield man charged with distributing child porn

A search warrant was executed on July 12 at Lopez Arrieta's residence where he was placed under arrest without incident, McDonald said.

Lopez Arrieta was at the Somerset County Jail pending a detention hearing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office Special Investigation/Computer Crimes Unit at 908-231-7100 or the Somerville Police Department at 908-725-0331 or via the STOPit app.


Alexander Lewis is an award-winning reporter and photojournalist whose work spans many topics. This coverage is only possible with support from our readers. Sign up today for a digital subscription.

This article originally appeared on Somerville NJ man charged with distributing child porn