Supreme Court dashes hope that Trump would be held accountable for seditious acts | Opinion

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MAGA autocracy

Supreme Court rules Trump has partial immunity for official acts only,” (, July 1)

The slim hope that Donald Trump would be held accountable for his seditious acts of domestic terrorism against our government on January 6 has been dashed by the Supreme Court.

MAGA judges indebted to Trump granted the convicted felon immunity for crimes against our government. This ruling is a big “thank you” for all the yachting vacations, loans, land sales, expensive jewelry and furs provided by wealthy MAGA millionaire “friends” of the judges.

Democracy is silenced when the Supreme Court neutralizes laws that are there to protect our democracy. The end result? Being held far above the law and having to answer to no one is MAGA autocracy, Trump style.

Brooks Judd



Time for Biden to go

Should Biden drop out of presidential race? What poll found,” (, July 1)

There are just a few Democrats with gumption telling President Joe Biden it is time to go. The rest are wringing their hands. Polls indicate Biden will lose to Donald Trump and that Democrats may lose control of Congress.

And don’t even get me started on the idea of Kamala Harris as president. As district attorney of San Francisco, attorney general of California and as a California senator, she made many blunders, but everyone in the Democratic party gave her a pass because she was a woman of color.

The Democrats must find a middle ground candidate to beat Trump. Joe Manchin, where are you?

Alan Seliger


We must support Biden

Should Biden drop out of presidential race? What poll found,” (, July 1)

Wake up, Democrats. You are electing Donald Trump with your comments. Do you want his immorality? The loss of women’s rights? Less healthcare coverage? Religious bigotry? Xenophobia? Mass deportations? On day one, the dictator — Trump — will start the immediate retribution of anyone that has been against him in any fashion. Don’t believe me? He has said those exact words: Absolute loyalty required.

Powerful Republicans don’t like Trump, but they will use him to gain power. Our three branches of government will become one giant executive branch.

We must rally around and support Joe Biden, a person of character with recent accomplishments. Is he perfect? No. But he is truthful and honest, and a smart humanitarian.

Diane M Kroeze


Stop Riverbank sprawl

If Stanislaus County wants to remain a top ag producer, it must protect prime farmland | Opinion,” (, June 15)

The Farmland Working Group got it right in their op-ed when they said the proposed River Walk Project does “hopscotch over” Riverbank’s current sphere of influence (the pre-approved area within which the city can grow). The need for more growth now has not been demonstrated since only about a third of the Crossroads West area has been annexed thus far.

The Draft Environmental Impact Report for the project was significantly flawed and either glossed over or entirely missed many required components. It should be considered un-approvable by the agencies with decision-making authority. We need to stop paving over prime farmland in Stanislaus County and grow upward and smarter like the City of Modesto is proposing.

Riverbank residents can help by signing the Ballot Initiative petition currently being circulated, which would establish a western urban limit/boundary in order to save the highest quality soils and maintain a community buffer, wildlife habitat and aquifer recharge. Supporting the initiative gives residents decision-making power and prevents sprawl and significant cost increases associated with needed new infrastructure and services.

Jami Aggers
