Two 8-pound black bear cubs are at Sedgwick County Zoo. Here’s when you can see them

When a mother black bear was shot and killed in Oregon earlier this year, her two cubs were left on their own, unable to hunt or fend for themselves.

Those cubs, a male and a female believed to be between three and four months old, have found a new home at the Sedgwick County Zoo.

They were flown in from Oregon several weeks ago on the sheriff’s office airplane usually used to transport prisoners arrested in other states.

The zoo lost its only black bear, 20-year-old Mitch, to old age last December, so when wildlife authorities found the cubs, Sedgwick County got the call.

Zoo CEO Scott Newland told the County Commission Wednesday morning that the cubs exhibit could open as early as next Monday. Hours of exhibit for the cubs will soon be posted to the zoo website, he said.

“The bears are so tiny that they could get themselves in trouble on exhibit if left by themselves, so until they’re big enough and know all the ins and outs of the exhibit, we will have staff out there with them during specific times each day so that guests can come see them,” Newland said.

“My guess is we’re probably going to have a couple of windows every day. One in the morning session and then probably an afternoon session. But as the bears get more comfortable, those might increase in number and increase in duration.”

Each of the cubs currently weighs around 8 pounds, Newland said.

“They’re only going to stay little for a little bit of time, so if you want to come out and see them when they’re this size, the next few weeks is probably going to be your best bet.”