Uhrichsville business owner frustrated with flooding, access and village council

UHRICHSVILLE ‒ John Fockler, who has operated the Gardner Street Garage for 40 years, said he has had to deal with persistent flooding issues on his property for some time.

Now, with construction of the new BellStore on McCauley Drive in front of his property, his access to his business is often blocked making it difficult to get deliveries or mail.

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Gardner Street Garage owner John Fockler talks about one of his current custom vehicle restoration jobs, Tuesday, June, 4 in Uhrichsville. Flooding from periodic storms blocks access to his property, in addition to issues related to the construction project ongoing next to his property, he says.
Gardner Street Garage owner John Fockler talks about one of his current custom vehicle restoration jobs, Tuesday, June, 4 in Uhrichsville. Flooding from periodic storms blocks access to his property, in addition to issues related to the construction project ongoing next to his property, he says.

He has appealed to city officials for help with his problems, but he said he has gotten no response.

Fockler has been in business at 144 Gardner St. since 1984. He used to focus on collision work, handling five or six vehicles a week. He shut that part of the business down during the COVID-19 pandemic and now restores old cars. He's currently building a 1957 car from the ground up.

Water woes

His flooding problems have gotten worse as businesses have expanded on McCauley Drive. There used to be a lift station nearby that handled the excess water, but it has gone bad, he said.

When the 922 Drive-thru opened on McCauley Drive, it pushed water onto his property, he said. Then Michael's car dealership opened at 90 W. McCauley Drive, pushing more water on his land.

Gardner Street Garage owner John Fockler points towards the creek that he says periodically floods in rain storm, causing access issues on his property, Tuesday, June, 4 in Uhrichsville.
Gardner Street Garage owner John Fockler points towards the creek that he says periodically floods in rain storm, causing access issues on his property, Tuesday, June, 4 in Uhrichsville.

"So, I filled my property in," Fockler said. "When I built the new garage in 1990, and when I did that, I raised that area 3 feet. I took the old garage and raised it up to match the floor of the other one. That's the only way to get out of the water."

Campbell Oil, which operates the BellStore, purchased the drive-thru property on March 14, 2023, for $1 million for the expansion project. The company bought the car dealership for $175,000 on Sept. 13, 2023. Construction of the BellStore has also pushed water on him, he said.

John Fockler, owner of Gardner Street Garage in Uhrichsville, talks about the years of struggles he has experienced involving periodic flooding to his property. Fockler specializes in auto body repair and custom restoration projects.
John Fockler, owner of Gardner Street Garage in Uhrichsville, talks about the years of struggles he has experienced involving periodic flooding to his property. Fockler specializes in auto body repair and custom restoration projects.

Campbell Oil did not respond to a request for comment from The Times-Reporter.

"Ever since then, if it rains really bad, I'll get it clear up to the foundation of the house. It doesn't come in the garage, but it affects the ability of getting back here," he said.

He said he went to city council with the problem, but that didn't help.

Belle Everett, who was service director during the administration of former Mayor Mark Haney, said she and officials from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) walked the area during the summer of 2022. They saw at that time that there were some drainage ditches that needed to be cleaned out. ODOT officials made sure all the drainage lines were cleared, and the water flowed.

Currently, Gardner Street, which runs behind the BellStore, is being rebuilt. Mayor Jim Zucal said the project will improve storm water issues in that area.

Trying to vacate road

Fockler's other concern is with Poplar Street. It used to run between the gas station and the car lot, but Campbell Oil successfully petitioned to have it closed. Equipment used in the construction project is often parked there, blocking Fockler's access.

"I've used that every day, especially after they cemented that, to get in and out because Gardner Street was never kept up," he said. "It was so bad you could barely get back here on it."

An ongoing construction project can be seen from the office of Gardner Street Garage, where owner John Fockler says the roadway to his property is frequently blocked and at time flooded.
An ongoing construction project can be seen from the office of Gardner Street Garage, where owner John Fockler says the roadway to his property is frequently blocked and at time flooded.

Poplar Street then continues through Fockler's property, but it has never been used as a highway. It is covered in grass.

"Last fall, I put in a petition to close the road between my two properties," he said. But after Haney left office and Zucal became mayor, nothing happened with his petition.

"I submitted it again after the new administration got in there. This road has never been used, never been set foot on since I bought this property," Fockler said. He has owned it for 46 years.

"Nobody's brought it to the table. Nobody gives me any reason. Nobody talks to me. Nobody answers any questions. It's frustrating."

Zucal said council's Planning, Zoning and Annexation Committee did respond to his request and turned down the road vacation issue. It never got out of the committee. "There's no benefit to vacating the alley at this time. It may be needed in the future."

Fockler said he hasn't had any problems with flooding lately, but it is dangerous to get out of his property. He has to turn onto McCauley Drive right at the intersection with U.S. Route 250.

'I'd like to see a little bit of response'

Fockler said he doesn't care if Campbell Oil expands its BellStore location on McCauley Drive. "That's not my point. What I want is the water situation taken care of."

A temporary fence line can be seen marking the edge of the Gardner Street Garage property in Uhrichsville, owned by John Fockler. Beyond the fence is an ongoing construction project, which he says causes issues with access to his property as well as increased flooding. Fockler noted that when flooding is bad, he cannot access the sheds, among other issues.

What would he like to see happen?

"I'd like to see a little bit of response from the city, at least know what's going on out here. I can't get anybody to tell you what's going on," Fockler said.

"Council is supposed to be there for the citizens. Where is my help? They won't let me talk at council meetings anymore."

Reach Jon at 330-364-8415 or at jon.baker@timesreporter.com.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Flooding, access issues plague Uhrichsville restoration business