Video: Boy found safe after 22 hours missing in Sierra National Forest

Tulare County Search and Rescue Team found 4-year-old Cristian Ramirez safe after 22 hours missing in Sierra National Forest Friday, June 21, 2024. "We really believe that we saw a modern-day miracle," Renato Ramirez, the father of the missing boy, said when he was recovered
Tulare County Search and Rescue Team found 4-year-old Cristian Ramirez safe after 22 hours missing in Sierra National Forest Friday, June 21, 2024. "We really believe that we saw a modern-day miracle," Renato Ramirez, the father of the missing boy, said when he was recovered | Fresno County Sheriff's Office

A 4-year-old boy who went missing from Rancheria Campground in Sierra National Forest in California was found safe after a 22-hour search, according to KSEE, a local TV station.

Christian Ramirez was discovered near Huntington Lake by members of the Tulare County Search and Rescue Team around 8 a.m. Friday, according to a statement from the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.

“He was about a quarter mile away from where he reportedly disappeared,” the statement said. “Christian is in good condition, he was just tired and hungry. He has been reunited with his parents.”

The moment he was brought out of the woods was captured on video.

Christian’s father, Renato Ramirez, said his son went missing while playing with other children they met at the campground.

“They were playing tag, or keep away, or whatever the game was,” Ramirez told KSEE. “We were packing up the truck getting ready to leave — at one point we see the kids run over and Christian’s not with them.”

The family searched everywhere but could not find Christian, leading to a 911 call.

Within 30 minutes, rescue crews from Fresno County, Tulare County, the U.S. Forest Service, California Fish & Wildlife and volunteers had assembled.

They searched throughout the day and night but were unable to locate him.

“Terror. Honestly, it’s terror,” said Ramirez. “Walking around the woods with a flashlight and you know, I had jeans and a sweatshirt on and I was cold. And so, I couldn’t imagine how cold and hungry and scared he must be. He didn’t even have a flashlight.”

To everyone’s relief, they located Christian “nestled under a tree,” according to the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office.

“We really believe that we saw a modern-day miracle with him being in the woods for 22 hours,” Ramirez said. “Other than having a slight sunburn, being a little dehydrated, and a couple of bug bites, he’s absolutely fine.”

Tulare County Search and Rescue Team found 4-year-old Cristian Ramirez safe after 22 hours missing in Sierra National Forest Friday, June 21, 2024. "We really believe that we saw a modern-day miracle," Renato Ramirez, the father of the missing boy, said when he was recovered. | Fresno County Sheriff's Office
Tulare County Search and Rescue Team found 4-year-old Cristian Ramirez safe after 22 hours missing in Sierra National Forest Friday, June 21, 2024. "We really believe that we saw a modern-day miracle," Renato Ramirez, the father of the missing boy, said when he was recovered. | Fresno County Sheriff's Office