Volusia School Board moves forward with updated AI, random screening policies

At its Tuesday meeting, Volusia County School Board again approved advertising amendments to the elementary and secondary Student Code of Conduct and Discipline.

The motion — made by Carl Persis and seconded by Ruben Colón — passed with a 4-1 vote. Anita Burnette opposed.

Approving an advertisement does not mean changes are official. Advertised items return to the board for a final vote following a 28-day statutory period. 

Here are the changes being advertised:

Student Code of Conduct Discipline Preface

One of the advertised amendments concerns the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline's accessibility.

Previously, the code was distributed to all students, teachers and administrators. Now, it is proposed that the code be posted online and available to students, teachers and administrators on school campuses.

Safety and security, including random screenings

The school board has discussed how it wishes to conduct random screenings in schools on many occasions throughout the 2023-24 school year. 

According to the Student Code of Conduct Discipline, the addition being advertised reads as follows: “Searches – All individuals entering or present on Volusia County School sites or events are on notice that randomized screenings may be conducted without cause by the site administrator utilizing minimally intrusive electronic devices.”

Random screenings will allow the district to prevent violence by identifying individuals with weapons and discouraging students from bringing weapons to school, according to previous News-Journal reporting.

Media access to school activities

The Student Code of Conduct and Discipline notes that the media has access to attend, photograph and report on school activities, events and functions.

Previously, if parents objected to release or publication of information, they would have to notify their school principal. Now, it is being advertised that parents can opt out by signing and returning a media release form, which can be found at school sites or printed from the district website, according to the code of conduct.

Use of artificial intelligence

The Student Code of Conduct and Discipline has an addition regarding artificial intelligence (AI), which reads as follows: “Academic Integrity, in the context of AI use, means using AI tools ethically, responsibly, and as intended — to support learning, not to bypass it. This means producing work that is primarily the student’s own, and appropriately acknowledging assistance received from AI according to the following guidelines.”

Following that is a list of guidelines on how AI can be used for learning.

Essentially, according to the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, it is being advertised that students can use AI as a tool for assistance and clarification; however, AI should not complete tasks for students, as they should be doing most of the thinking, analysis and composition.

Students should not submit AI text as their own, and if they do use it, they should cite it as they would any other source, according to the advertisement. Additionally, they are not allowed to use AI to “fabricate” or “manipulate” data.

And students will be considered cheating if they submit AI work instead of their own on assignments, tests or projects, according to the addition.

This article originally appeared on The Daytona Beach News-Journal: Volusia County School Board proceeds with updated AI, screening policies