Washington Twp. fire hose testing set for July 14

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Highlights of July 1 meeting of Washington Township trustees:

Department reports

Park – No report

Zoning – Staff issued three building permits, two pool permits and approved one land split.

Fire – As of meeting date, department had responded to 245 runs. Runs in June included 17 medical, four motor-vehicle crashes, two false alarms, two trees down, one wire down, two cancelled en route, one lift assist, five public service, four mutual aid and two open burning. Two trucks participated in the Akron Children`s Hospital Burn Camp. Fire extinguishers have been serviced, and hose testing is planned for July 14. A truck will be at the car show at the park on July 20.

Road – Electric has been changed at Township Hall. Culvert was ordered for Cenfield, and staff mowed the intersection of Cenfield and Beechwood. County will repair culvert on Marlington Avenue.

UPCOMING – Trustees next will meet at 6:30 p.m. July 15.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Washington Twp. fire hose testing set for July 14