Watch: Steve Jobs 60 Minutes interview

With the new Steve Jobs book coming out, the media has been over saturating the Web with quotes from the book, with Jobs talking about a controversial topic or speaking his mind about people like Bill Gates. We’ve run plenty of these stories ourselves, but as much as they’re beginning to grow too plentiful, we’re still fascinated by the life of Jobs. If you’re going to watch one video, we recommend checking out the two-part segment from 60 Minutes.

In the piece, Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs’ authorized biography shares some pictures, stories, and audio clips of the CEO during his last two years of life. Isaacson interviewed Jobs more than 40 times and met with about 100 other people from his life to write Steve Jobs, which early reviews say is a quite balanced view of the Apple co-founder, showing his brilliance and weaknesses.

The segment, which is split into two videos, is embedded below. We’ve also included some Web extras from the site. For a complete look at all the coverage from CBS, check out this eight-page article.

60 Minutes: Steve Jobs, part 1

60: Minutes: Steve Jobs, part 2

60 Minutes: Steve Jobs family photo album

60 Minutes: What did Jobs think about his rivals?

This article was originally posted on Digital Trends

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