Weinergate: New Photos of Anthony Weiner Leaked

Weinergate: New Photos of Anthony Weiner Leaked
Weinergate: New Photos of Anthony Weiner Leaked

Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted to sending lewd photos on Twitter and lying to cover it up. "I have made terrible mistakes," he said, holding back tears.

At a press conference Monday afternoon, embattled congressman Anthony Weiner admitted to tweeting lewd photos to a woman in Seattle and weepily apologized for his actions. “I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said. Weiner said he sent the photo in question last Friday, realized that it was posted on Twitter, and panicked, lying to cover up his mistake.

Andrew Breitbart’s conservative site Big Government posted on Monday a crop of new photos allegedly sent by  Weiner (who is married) to a young woman via his BlackBerry. The woman, who hasn’t yet been named, claims to have had an "an online, consensual relationship involving the mutual exchange of intimate photographs." At the press conference, Weiner admitted to online relationships with six women.


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