Why did the dad push the Baraboo School District superintendent? Here's what we know

A southcentral Wisconsin school district has made national headlines in recent days over video of a graduation ceremony that shows a man pushing the district's superintendent away before he can shake hands with his daughter.

A police report about the incident says the parent had "past issues" with the superintendent.

The footage from Baraboo High School continues to provoke speculation and commentary with some calling the incident racist. It's also not the first time district officials and students have been embroiled in controversy.

This is what we know so far about the incident and other issues in the Baraboo School District.

What happened at Baraboo High School?

A local broadcast of Baraboo High School's May 31 graduation ceremony recorded a father of a student pushing District Superintendent Rainey Briggs out of the way as the man's daughter received her diploma and shook hands with other district officials. The student's father, who is not being named by the Journal Sentinel to protect the student's identity, is white; Briggs is Black.

A citation from the Baraboo Police Department shows that the father was charged with disorderly conduct and is required to make an August appearance in the Sauk County Circuit Court. A judge has also ordered the man to have no contact with Briggs after a temporary restraining order was filed.

Why did the dad push the superintendent?

It's unclear. There has been controversy in the school district in recent months. School board president Kevin Vodak is facing a recall effort, with organizers saying he's misused taxpayer dollars by increasing salaries for Briggs and another district administrator.

Vodak was also onstage for the graduation. The man who interrupted the ceremony did not prevent his daughter from shaking Vodak's hand.

Others, such as State Rep. Francesca Hong, D-Madison, have described the incident as a racist act. That characterization has been challenged by many community members.

In an interview with police, the parent said he dislikes Briggs and "wanted to prevent (Briggs) from having the satisfaction of shaking (the student's) hand."

The police report includes interviews from the parent, Briggs, the school resource officer, and two off-duty police officers who were at the graduation.

Why is Baraboo School Board President Kevin Vodak facing a recall effort?

Vodak, who has been on the school board for 23 years, has been accused of misuse of taxpayer dollars — specifically salary increases for Briggs and business services director Yvette Updike — and conflicts of interest regarding the administration. District residents are also upset with high staff turnover.

In response to complaints about Briggs' and Updike's salary, the district presented data that showed their pay ranked among the lower third of administrators in comparable roles in nearby districts. Briggs' salary is second lowest among 15 district superintendents in the Badger Conference.

Besides the salary increases, the recall petition also listed unspecified "socializing" between unnamed board members and Updike and highlighted two contracts between the district and separate consulting firms, including one owned by Briggs, according to Wiscnews.

Vodak’s three-year term began in 2022 and he is up for re-election to the board in 2025.

Have there been past issues in the Baraboo School District?

Yes, the district received substantial backlash in 2018 when a photo of several male students seemingly giving the Nazi salute while posing for a prom picture went viral.

The district quickly condemned the photo after it drew international attention and issued a public apology.

More than 5,000 people signed a petition calling on the district to suspend the students. None of the 60 students involved in the photo were punished. The district said the students' behavior was protected by the First Amendment.

Where is Baraboo, Wisconsin?

Baraboo is a city of about 12,500 people near Wisconsin Dells in southcentral Wisconsin. It is the county seat of Sauk County.

David Clarey and Kathryn Muchnik contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Baraboo Wisconsin graduation incident 2024: What happened?