Woman Rescues Lab Mix Trapped Behind Miami Sea Wall and Gets Assaulted By Their Owner

JaDee Guidice, a former lifeguard and competitive swimmer, was enjoying a nice evening stroll on Friday on the west side of Brickell Key in Miami when she witnessed a man kick his black Doberman mix dog into the bay.

When Guidice confronted the dog's owner, he asked her to film him for his 'show.'

Her response was absolutely not and after that things escalated. WPLG reports, " The man shoved another witness, shoved Guidice, all while the dog struggled in the water, unable to climb the seawall. Guidice, a former lifeguard and competitive swimmer, jumped in.

“He jumped in after me, started splashing me, kicking at me, and was like, ‘Stay away from my dog, stay away from my dog,’” she said.

Guidice said other witnesses eventually helped get her and the dog out of the water. She says police and Brickell security came, but the man was able to leave with the dog."

Related: Man Bravely Jumps Into Ocean to Rescue Dog Who Jumped Over Miami Sea Wall

Now, on the other hand, the dog owner denies any of this happening, which makes me question whether or not he actually saw the video of this absolutely happening.

Here's What the Dog's Owner Said

7 News Miami reports, 'Forty-three-year-old maintenance man Kody Vidrine denied kicking his dog into the bay on Brickell Key and shoving a good Samaritan.

“I didn’t even touch the girl. I told her to get out of my personal space is all I did,” said Vidrine."

It looks like he shoved the girl in the video above. You can't deny what's on film. The news outlet goes on to report, "Vidrine said that he didn’t want anyone else touching his dog.

“That’s my best friend in the world, I would never do anything like that,” said Vidrine. “She wasn’t trying to help, she came to me, the way she approached me, yelling in my face telling me I was abusing my dog. I get very defensive, that’s my son.”

I'm sticking with Guidice who is an absolute hero trying to save that poor dog.

But Guidice said she was trying to help so she jumped in to help the dog.

“I felt like it was my duty to do something because the dog did look like it was in distress,” said Guidice.

Video posted to social media shows Vidrine jumping right behind her, blocking her from reaching the dog, and splashing water in her face. So even though we never saw him kicking the dog into the bay, we absolutely saw what happened right after.

City of Miami Police said they are working closely with the State Attorney’s Office to determine if charges will be filed in this case.

The dog was eventually pulled to safety. The animal remains with its owner.

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