Young girls stop man from kidnapping 6-year-old near ice cream truck, WA cops say

Three young girls stepped in when they saw a stranger trying to kidnap their 6-year-old friend and neighbor in Washington, police said.

The 11-year-old girls were headed to an ice cream truck parked at an apartment complex after 8 p.m. on July 16, the Kent Police Department said in a Facebook post.

As they walked toward the truck to buy cold treats, they saw a man holding their neighbor by the wrist, police said.

The child’s young brother called out to her, but she couldn’t get away from the man, police said. She looked scared and was telling him to let her go as he “appeared to be pulling her forcibly along.”

That’s when the group of girls knew something was wrong.

Police said they started filming the man on their phones and walked over to him, telling him “to leave her alone.”

Stranger tries to walk away with child

He picked up the young child and started to quickly walk away, but the preteens followed and asked if he knew the child, police said.

When he said he knew her, the child shook her head no.

The man then let her go and the 11-year-old girls took her home, police said.

The incident was reported to police, and the 40-year-old man was arrested on a kidnapping charge.

Her parents told police he was a stranger.

Police praised “the selfless bravery” of the 11-year-olds.

“They saw their friend and neighbor being taken by a stranger, and stepped in without pause to bring her to safety,” the post said. “We are so proud of you. You are amazing.”

Kent is about a 20-mile drive south from Seattle.

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