NFL Playoff Overtime Rules: What's the Difference?

Are you confused about what the new NFL playoff overtime rules are? No worries... we have you covered!

There are few phrases in sports as great as "overtime football". If two teams are still deadlocked after 60 minutes of intense play, they have to get back out there and finish what they started. There are some key differences between regular season and playoffs overtime rules.

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The NFL's rulebook is constantly undergoing changes and evolves over time.

For example, when quarterbacks started getting hurt too often, the league emphasized calling roughing the passer penalties. Similarly, when the Bills and Chiefs squared off in the 2022 playoffs and Josh Allen never got a chance to answer the Chiefs first possession of overtime touchdown, the rules were changed so that both teams must possess the ball in playoff overtimes.

Here is everything you need to know about the NFL overtime rules in the playoffs.

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