Nicki Minaj Sues Blogger For Defamation

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According to TMZ, Nicki Minaj has sued a blogger who goes by the moniker “Nosey Heaux,” for making defamatory comments about her.

Lawsuit Documents

According to TMZ,  Minaj sued Marley Green and Nosey Heaux Live LLC for the damaging comments that she made about her use of cocaine. According to court documents reviewed and uploaded by Pitchfork, “Nosey Heaux,” whose government name is Marley Green, uploaded a video on her platform, claiming that Minaj was a “cokehead.” According the lawsuit documents, because Green has an online following, the video was retweeted 260 and received about 2,000 likes. The lawsuit documents also highlighted the vile and disturbing comments that Green made about Minaj’s one year-old-son.

A Flurry

The past 72 hours have been a pandemonium of trending online activity, with Minaj dropping hints and sometimes, explicit details about the upcoming legal actions that she will be taking. In what seems like ‘de ja vu’ reel of the Tasha K vs Cardi B legal brouhaha, a new situation has emerged, and it might signal a new era for celebrities.

A Rabbit Hole

For as long as show business has existed, celebrities and public figures have been the brunt of vile comments, verbally violent mistruths and malicious speculation from parts of the general public. The influence of social media and the internet has only exacerbated the issue and given content creators the ammunition to attack public figures under the guise of free speech and expressing their opinions. In this era, it is becoming apparent that prominent figures in entertainment like Minaj will leave no stone unturned when it comes to making an example out of content creators who step out of line to deliberately cause harm and damage their reputation.


In the aftermath of the lawsuit and a few scathing social media exchanges, Green for the most part, has been unrelenting in her resolve, and has entertained multiple interviews on the topic. In some circulating clips, she has also tried to garner public sympathy by accusing Minaj of bullying her, and sending her fans, the Barbz, to attack her. She has addressed the claims of drug use, all while evading certain topics including the disturbing and offensive comments that she made targeting Minaj’s toddler and family in a troubling series of hateful and spiteful videos.

Since the news broke, Green has posted multiple videos online and announced that she will be on several online platforms discussing the situation, but not everyone online has been a fan of her behavior in the aftermath.

A Cautionary Tale

According to the lawsuit, Minaj is  seeking damages of no about $75,000.

In a statement, Judd Burstein, who is Minaj’s legal counsel said that he would be seeking punitive damages on behalf of Minaj.

“When this case is over, she will no longer be permitted to use the name ‘Nosey Heaux’ because we will take her trademark from her when she does not have enough money to pay the judgment,” said Burstein. “Anyone else who spreads lies about Nicki will suffer a similar fate. My marching orders are to aggressively sue anyone with a media or social media following who damages her with intentional lies. Eventually, the lesson will be learned.”

The internet and so called modern day content creators and pseudo journalists have become notorious for propagating damaging narratives and spicing it up with mean-spirited delivery in hopes of making it big and garnering viewership. Perhaps this is a cautionary tale to others who see celebrities as nothing less than dignified talking heads with no way to defend themselves or put their foot down. Celebrities are beginning to see this as an era that holds the media accountable, and maybe that is what it will take for lessons to be learned.