Night club taxi drives away lockdown blues in Greece

Missing nightclubs?

Locator: Thessaloniki, Greece

Taxi driver Konstantinos Bekios has decked out his ride

with strobes and pumping music

He calls it "taxi prive club"

TAXI DRIVER KONSTANTINOS BEKIOS, 44, SAYING:"I saw that people were always stressed, sad, everyone was in a bad mood. I started to put on music - to turn up the volume, and I saw people enjoyed it, they were having fun, they were having a good time, even if it was a short route, they would get out happy, and that is how we started the 'taxi prive club'."

Ioanna Karagiannidou is a return customer

PASSENGER IOANNA KARAGIANNIDOU, 24, SAYING:"He has transformed the taxi in a way with the music, with the atmosphere, that when a customer, a person enters, such as me, it improves your mood in the first five minutes."