Nina Gilfert | From the Porch Steps: Observations at 96

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When you have lived as long as I have you begin to have thoughts about improving the world. I wonder what the world would be like if I could have some of my wishes fulfilled.

I wish that folks like Vladimir Putin would retire and quit plaguing us with their personal ambitions to be in control of the world. I'm sure the people of the Ukraine would be much happier without his invading their country. I also think about the Russian soldiers in his command and wonder how willing they are to follow his lead and shoot at people who are in no way their enemies.

I wish that I were smart enough to be president or better yet, I wish our present administrator were either smarter or had more intelligent advisers. I worry about what is happening on our southern border. I am sure the Texans are worried about it too. They get to see first hand the desperate people who are walking through neck-deep waters to avoid border guards.

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I put myself in their position and wonder that if I were not lucky enough to be born in this country would I take my life in my hands to become a resident here.

When I was raising my five children I made a strong effort to manage without holding down a job outside the home. I finally was forced to be a working mom and I want to tell the world that it is not the best way to raise a large family.

I was able to stay home until my youngest was in kindergarten. That way I never had to hire a babysitter. I still had three children at home but the oldest was almost 15 and he was a very responsible boy. He took care of them for the three hours after school before I came home.

I wonder if there are any mothers who really feel confident when someone other than themselves is watching over their children.

Speaking of responsibilities, what responsibilities are most important to you? Being a spouse and parent comes first with most of us. Doing well in whatever position that brings money into the home would probably be next. Being a good citizen and neighbor would be next.

Most of us live lives that are chopped up into many different pieces. Deciding what should be first on the list is easy but following through on it is sometimes difficult. Your own interest often interfere with making this decision.

If you are an artist you follow your inspirations. If you are a spouse or a parent sometimes many different things pop up at the same time, demanding your immediate attention.

Your character is formed by making these decisions. Incidentally, men and women both have this problem but, usually if you are the bread winner for a large family, the choice is there for you.

I wish that all penal institutions were able to turn around their inmates to successfully live honest lives. That would save us from much recidivism. Unfortunately we have too many repeat offenders.

If we could be assured that the people we send to prison would learn to live honest lives while there, it would relieve our courts of trying repeat offenders and our society of crime. How many people are willing to spend their lives devoted to the cause of changing lives by teaching better choices?

I wish we could rid the world of prejudices. We are slowly learning to avoid the problems associated with these breaches of common sense. Judging each other by skin color or speech accents is nonsense. All races and creeds have the full run of good and bad people.

Make a point to meet new folks with an open mind. Remember that all races and nationalities contain all kinds of folks with different kinds of personalities and different educational standards.

I used to be an inspirational speaker. I enjoyed getting up in front of a group of my peers and discussing current problems and events. I especially liked it when I was able to make them laugh.

Laughter is important. It helps us all accept the vagaries that life throws at us. It helps us to not take our own emotions too seriously. It also gives you a chance to examine other folk's opinions.

I was sorry when my aging vocal chords made public speaking too difficult. I remember John Annis, a wonderful gentleman who at the age of 105 was still able to hold an audience in the palm of his hand.

John was ordained a minister the same year I was born. I took every opportunity to hear him speak. He spoke at his 104th birthday party for over an hour. His passing even at that advanced age was sad for many of us.

Today we have much to contend with on the national and local fronts and as private citizens. It is important to pay close attention to what our current officials are doing that affects us as a nation and as citizens if we are to vote intelligently.

Before you complain about your local or national government, consider your own voting history. Be sure before you vote that you know the candidates and can make an informed decision. In this country I am thankful that we each share that responsibility.

Nina Gilfert can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Daily Commercial: Columnist Nina Gilfert: Wisdom and reflection at age 96