No name pursuit gets two charges

Mar. 22—A motorist's recent pursuit with law enforcement wound up in the end getting the classic name of John Doe attached to criminal charges.

Court records show two felony counts filed last week in Garvin County listed the defendant as John Doe, "whose true identity is presently unknown."

Once that defendant did make a court appearance he claimed his real name is one of two aliases attached to the case.

It all started on March 14 when officers were contacted about about a pursuit coming from McClain County southbound on Interstate 35.

Believing the pursued gray Challenger would need to stop and refuel, officers staked out three gas stations near the intersection of I-35 and state Highway 7 in southern Garvin County.

At one of those stations the vehicle was spotted at the gas pumps. Documents show the suspect was seen getting into the vehicle before speeding away as the driver ignored a patrol car's emergency lights and sirens.

The pursuit apparently didn't last too long as the vehicle did run out of gas on a county road.

At first it was believed the driver was Jesus Fernandez as there was a passenger in the vehicle.

When searching the vehicle officers found two firearms and tools to unlock doors, a computer and program key fobs, which are used to gain access to other devices and even cars.

It was also learned the vehicle had been reported stolen in Dallas, Texas, and the license plate had possibly been switched.

During a court arraignment the defendant said his name is Tony Ramos Rodriguez. He claimed he had never used any other name.

The other alias listed in the case is Jesus Enrique Ramos Fernandez.

Rodriguez was later released after a $5,000 bond was posted as his next court appearance is scheduled in late April.