Noise isn't the only nuisance caused by private jets. NJ pollution is to blame, too

Regarding "New group steps up to fight Teterboro Airport flight noise: Rumbles ahead,", Oct. 3:

Two groups of Bergen County residents are trying to minimize the impact of noise from jet planes flying into Teterboro Airport. One group is described as people in “more than a dozen communities within 5 miles of the airport.” The second group consists of residents and local officials in the Pascack Valley under the flight paths of planes flying into Teterboro. These folks would like to see the planes diverted to a route following Route 17 where fewer people live.

Ameliorating the impact of jet plane noise in the lives of all these people is certainly a worthy goal, but there is another problem caused by these jets that is even more significant that needs to be addressed.

The planes flying into Teterboro are not commercial airliners carrying ordinary folks flying for vacation trips, to visit relatives or perhaps on business. The planes flying in and out of Teterboro and annoying the good people of Moonachie and Westwood are private jets in which a tiny percentage of us will ever fly.

'Like a missile overhead': New group fed up with Teterboro Airport aircraft noise steps up

CBS News reports the carbon emissions of a person flying in a private jet is responsible for 10 to 20 times the atmosphere warming carbon as someone in a commercial airliner. Most of us would agree that excess noise is a problem but that the current climate emergency is a dire threat. By all means we should reduce the noise that is impacting our neighbors by rerouting the jets, but the important solution to noise concerns and our deteriorating climate is to eliminate the private jets.

Clark Brinkerhoff

Park Ridge

This article originally appeared on Teterboro Airport private jets cause pollution