Tell Us Which "Normal" Coworker Things Are Actually Toxic

You've probably read awful coworker stories before — but maybe you think there are signs that a coworker is toxic that people rarely talk about.


So, tell me: According to you, what are some "normal" coworker things that are actually toxic?

A group of nurse coworkers have a conversation together
The Good Brigade / Getty Images

Like, maybe if you have a new job, you think a coworker complaining to you about the company on your ~first day~ is not OK at all.

20th Century Fox

Perhaps you're down to help when it comes to your job, but if a coworker constantly asks you to cover their shift, you think that's crossing boundaries.

A barista prepares a latte at a coffee shop
Raquel Arocena Torres / Getty Images

Or maybe you're all for having work buddies, but coworkers who push for being "just like family" is a huge no-no for you — and you have a horror story to prove it.

Two engineer smiling while talking at the shipyard
Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we want to hear it! In the comments below, tell us which "normal" coworker things are actually toxic — and why — for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!