North Carolina County Sheriff Says He Will Refuse to Enforce ‘Unconstitutional’ Gun Laws

A county sheriff in North Carolina said on Tuesday he would refuse to enforce any “unconstitutional” gun bans passed by the state legislature.

Sheriff’s Deputy Tripp Kester of Davidson County made his remarks before the county Board of Commissioners, during a meeting at which the Board voted to declare the county a Second Amendment sanctuary.

“The Constitution needs no explanation. It’s been enforced for several hundred years now,” Kester told residents. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but regardless of what y’all do, I’m not going to enforce an unconstitutional law,” the sheriff continued to the applause of residents.

The Second Amendment sanctuary resolution was introduced by Board commissioner Zak Crotts, and affirms the right of county residents to bear arms and prohibits law enforcement from taking any action that would infringe upon those rights. The resolution does not hold legislative authority.

150 residents showed up to support the resolution, which was passed unanimously by the Board, made up of seven Republicans.

“The last time I read the Deceleration of Independence, it specifically reminds all of us that we’re endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, which means God given, among these life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness and that government’s were instituted among men specifically to secure our God-given rights,” Kester told the crowd.

Counties in several other states including Kentucky and Virginia have united against gun-control measures from state legislatures. In Virginia, roughly 100 counties have declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries in response to Governor Ralph Northam’s push for stricter gun laws, including universal background checks and a “red-flag-law” that would allow state authorities to seize firearms from citizens.

Ahead of an annual gun rights rally in Richmond, Va. the local chapter of Antifa announced it would join marchers in support of the Second Amendment.

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