Norwich City Councilor reflects on major anti-Sikh hate anniversary

In recent years, the Sikh community in Norwich has worked to raise Sikh awareness in our city. We opened a Sikh art gallery and museum, launched a bus stop sign campaign to share more about our faith, and engaged with the state legislature to pass important legislation recognizing our history and fighting discrimination.

This weekend, however, Sikhs across the country will pause in remembrance of the ten-year anniversary of the deadliest mass shooting against our community in U.S. history. On August 5, 2012, six Sikh worshippers at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin were killed when a gunman with white supremacist and neo-Nazi affiliations attacked their house of worship. A seventh individual passed from his wounds years later; others suffered grievous physical and psychological injuries.

It is heartbreaking that many of our families migrated to the United States after the 1984 Sikh genocide in India or have otherwise sought political asylum here in pursuit of religious freedom, only to be met with violence or hate crimes. Still, every challenge presents us with the chance to show how Sikhs persevere in chardi kala, or eternal optimism.

But raising awareness isn’t enough; we need policy change. By passing the Justice for Victims of Hate Crimes Act, Congress will enable the prosecution of more hate crimes. Passing the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act will require agencies across the government to counter the threat posed by violent idealogues. And passing the Nonprofit Security Grant Program Improvement Act will increase funding for houses of worship to protect against attacks and prepare for emergencies.

These laws will reduce the threat of violent hate that too many minority groups have experienced in our country. In Charleston and Buffalo, Black people were targeted. In Pittsburgh and Poway, it was Jews. In El Paso, Latinos were under attack. Too many families have been harmed by hate for us not to take bolder action now.

As we fight for better policies, we also pursue opportunities for representation, inclusion, and understanding of Sikh history in our country. Our children should learn about different faiths and cultures not because they are targeted or killed, but to hear more about what makes them unique and how they serve their neighbors. To get to that future, however, we must first address the ongoing threat of hate violence.

All that can start with meaningful civic engagement on this solemn anniversary.

Swaranjit Singh Khalsa is the Director of the Sikh Art Gallery of Connecticut and the first Sikh to serve as member of the Norwich City Council.

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Norwich City Councilor reflects on the 2012 mass shooting of Sikhs