Not to Be Alarmist, But This Roomba Is the Cheapest It's Ever Been (!!!)

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Cosmopolitan

I have a love-hate relationship with cleaning my apartment. I mean, I don't want to live in filth, but I feel like every time I turn around there's a new dust bunny or sauce stain that needs to be cleaned up, stat. And sometimes, whether I'm working or lounging with my BFF Hulu, I just...don't wanna.

If you also want to take the legwork out of tidying up your space (but aren't, like, Bridgerton rich to invest in a professional cleaning service) then you should know that there's an iRobot Roomba vacuum sale happening on Amazon right now—specifically $200 (!!) off the iRobot's Roomba 981 vacuum.

IYKYK, but just in case you don't, the Roomba is a total game-changer. Instead of lugging around a bulky vacuum, this slim model moves all by itself, sucking up dust and dirt along the way (how ~*futuristic*~). Not only does the Roomba map out your home's layout so it doesn't crash into your walls, but it also works on carpet and hardwood floors. (This specific model also has mopping capabilities, so your floors will literally shine by the end of your Roomba sesh.) And, when your Roomba's done doing its thing, it'll go back to the charging dock all on its own—and we love a little miss independent.

Thanks to its accompanying app, you can schedule and start cleanings between Instagram scrolls. Or, if you're feeling really lazy, the 981 is compatible with Amazon smart devices, so you can ask Alexa to take care of it. (I mean, that's the ultimate dream, right?)

Oh, and did I mention it's really, really cheap right now? While iRobot's Roomba 981 normally costs $548, Amazon's currently selling it for $350. In fact, an Amazon price tracking platform called CamelCamelCamel claims this model is the cheapest it's ever been. And to that, I say, *mic drop*.

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