Now you know: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial

Notable names and places, Worcester: Abbie Hoffman, Harrington Corner and air mail at what is now Federal Square.
Notable names and places, Worcester: Abbie Hoffman, Harrington Corner and air mail at what is now Federal Square.

For Worcester's tercentennial, we gathered 300 facts about the community that will turn you into an amateur historian — if not the winner of the next trivia contest at the neighborhood bar. From famous residents to homegrown inventions to notable sporting events, we've gathered a list of items sure to elicit a few I-didn't-know-that reactions.

1-50: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 1): USS Worcester, Pill Row and the city's first speeding ticket

51-100: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 2): Swan boats, Bladder Pond and Lincoln Square rotary

101-150: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 3): Ramshorn Island, world's 1st safety car and Abbie Hoffman

151-200: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 4): Mother Teresa, Abe Lincoln and J. Geils

201-250: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 5): Babe Ruth, Charles Dickens and the Worcester Turnpike Co.

251-300: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial (Part 6): The Titanic, Andrew Carnegie and the Butman Riot

This article originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: Now you know: 300 facts for Worcester's tercentennial