Nudacris Is Back To His Menacing Ways After Healing From Surgery

Lisa Hampton Holder - TikTok
Lisa Hampton Holder - TikTok


Lisa Holder is back to screaming his name multiple times a day now that he's recovered from surgery and no longer wearing a cone. Not that the cone slowed him down much, as his followers have witnessed, but now he's back in full force tackling the other cats in the home and trying to take down his newest enemy - the Christmas tree.

Nudacris the sphynx
Lisa Hampton Holder - TikTok

The War Against The Tree Has Begun For Nudacris

In one video Holder shared on TikTok of the nude menace lurking around the tree, it's apparent that the Christmas tree will be a constant target for the playful kitty. In the video captioned, "Ok so not only did he figure out how to remove his soft cone from his neck but now it’s on with the Christmas tree," Nudacris is giving a glimpse of what his everyday life will be like while the tree is standing in the house.

Nudacris' Fans Aren't Surprised He Won't Leave The Tree Alone

None of this surprises fans and followers of the cat with the name that attracts tons of attention. "It must be so easy to find him, just think of the #1 spot you don't want him to be and there he is.... 😂," one person wrote in the comment section. Another added, "He has claimed the tree 🥰😂," to which Holder replied, "He has claimed my whole house! Lol"

One follower is wondering how long the tree will last and pondered that question in the comments. Holder replied, "Well, we’ve had the tree for probably five years so I don’t think it’ll survive this Christmas. Maybe next year I will buy another one from Home Depot." Another person commented thoughts on the neutering not calming the hyperactive, curious kitty down. "Unfortunately, no, it did not calm him down at least not so far…… lol," Holder responded.

Nudacris the sphynx
Lisa Hampton Holder - TikTok

Trying To Distract Nudacris With A New Cat Scratcher House

Holder decided to try to distract the curious cat with a new cat scratcher house in the hopes he will love it and won't want to murder the tree any longer. The adorable, festive cat scratcher didn't hold his attention for too long, as many people assumed in the comments.

"From the videos I've seen, i give this about 3 hours lmfao 😅😂😂," one viewer wrote, to which Holder replied, "You gave him an hour longer than I did! Lol my husband and I always run bets about how long things will survive Nudacris." Another follower wrote what many were probably thinking, "Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work 🤣"

An Update Video Shows The Tree Is Still At The Top Of Nudacris' List

In an update video on the cat scratcher house distraction attempt, viewers see that Nudacris checked the house out but then diverted his attention back to the tree. "This is the only interest he showed, and so far today hasn’t looked at it yet, too busy with the tree!" Holder captioned the video. He tested the house out and then focused his full attention back on the poor unsuspecting tree.

While he was checking the cat scratcher house out, he was oddly scratching the outside of the house from the inside. One follower explained why the naked kitty is scratching the side of the house the way he is by saying, "He wants to make sure the infrastructure is sound." Another person added, "He is checking for proper foundation structure for the new house😂😂."

Nudacris Is Back To Terrorizing The Land Full Time

Hopefully the other cats in the house enjoyed the small amount of downtime Nudacris had after his surgery, because the two most recent videos shared shows he's back to his old menacing ways bullying them. "It’s nice to see the neuter did absolutely nothing to his temperament 😂," one viewer wrote. Another person added, "The best part of TikTok is hearing you yell 'NUDACRIS NO!'"