Letters to the editor: Natural gas, the Post Office and the May primaries

Three cheers for Frank White

I was so impressed with the vital and creative manner of teaching history, especially Frank White at Central High School.

How I would have appreciated someone challenging me to think critically about history when I was in school many years ago. It is such a valuable, necessary life skill, especially in our complicated present age.

In White's class, students are challenged to think about historical events from the perspective of different races and cultures and present the reasons for their thinking. If this is indeed how things are being taught in Central High School, I say hooray! It is about time.

Thank you for your commitment to educating, encouraging critical thinking, and valuing all students of all backgrounds.

Lois Naylor, Salem

Postal Service outdoes itself

It's no secret that the level of customer satisfaction and service at the U.S. Postal Service is very low.

First, two brief personal experiences: I recently mailed a first-class letter to Pennsylvania. It took 11 days to arrive, and at my local USPS, invariably there is one "window" open to serve customers, consequently not infrequently long lines await patrons.

Now for a salient example of hyper-inflated price increases: I've long had a P.O. Box (the smallest capacity one) since where I reside the mail left outside is not secure. For 2021, the one-year renewal rate for my P.O. Box was $64. Yesterday, I received the 2022 renewal notice. The new cost? $166, or a percentage increase of 160%!

Finally, one Oregon U.S. Senator proudly announced that newly passed congressional legislation "saved the USPS for the future."

Greg Marlowe, Silverton

Legislature needs Andersen's message

Of the three Democratic candidates running to represent South Salem in House District 19, only one has been a leader in addressing the climate emergency.

When Tom Andersen was first elected to the Salem City Council eight years ago, he was the lone voice calling for a Salem Climate Action Plan. Fortunately, over time we were able to elect others that agreed with him, and just this year, we finally have a plan that we can begin to implement.

It was Tom’s motion that set the goal for the Salem Climate Action Plan to have Salem reduce our carbon emissions to “net zero” by 2050 and to get halfway there by 2035. Tom also led efforts to eliminate single-use plastic bags in our city, and efforts to do more to preserve and increase our tree canopy.

Now Tom wants to move up to the Legislature so that he can continue his work to have Oregon become a leader in climate action in the U.S. If you believe, as I do, that there is no more important issue for our government to tackle than the climate emergency that threatens the lives of our children and grandchildren, you will join me in supporting Tom Andersen’s candidacy in HD 19.

Jim Scheppke, Salem

Youth are worth it

I'm voting yes on school bond measure #27-134 in the May election, and I'm pleased to see so much community support for it. I want the students of Dallas to have the best that we can give them.

Our schools are in need, not only of repairs to roofs, plumbing and dry rot, but of changes necessary to meet the demands of the times we're living in. Securing entryways is imperative, and I believe the proposed upgrades and renovations, as laid out on the district website, are an important part of fostering confidence and success in the learning experience.

A bond is the way to make all of this happen. Let's show the youth in our community that we believe they're worth it.

Lori Patton, Dallas

A 'Noble' choice

In the coming weeks, registered Salem voters will receive ballots and vote in the first-ever Oregon 6th Congressional District primaries. I strongly encourage fellow readers to vote in the May 17 primaries. In the Republican primary, I fully support and will vote for Ron Noble.

Ron serves as state legislator from McMinnville, is a pastor, foster parent and a former police chief. Given the growing challenges in the domestic economy and conflicts abroad, our state and nation, now more than ever, need leaders with sound judgment, experience, integrity and humility in Congress. Ron possesses these key traits and is a purpose-driven community leader who is the best fit for the new district.

I've had the honor of serving two members of Congress in Washington D.C., one as chief of staff. I understand the daily grind, choices and challenges members encounter and must address. I believe Ron has the best experience and temperament to represent Salem and will take every opportunity to keep all the communities in the new 6th Congressional District at the forefront of his decision-making.

I ask readers to join me in supporting Ron Noble in the Republican primary to be our next U.S. Representative.

Mark Cruz, Salem

This is some America we live in

Congress passed a bill to cap insulin at $35/month. I am 66 with Type 1 Diabetes for 25 years. Unlike Type 2, insulin is not optional. It keeps me alive.

Prior to the Affordable Care Act, in 2009 I was kicked off my health care coverage because I was, well, sick. A few weeks later the insurance company's CEO got a $6 million bonus, presumably for getting rid of pesky people like me.

I had enormous emergency and hospitalization bills I could not pay. I lost my retirement, home and seven rental properties. To qualify for free state-sponsored health insurance I was allowed to have only $2,000 and a car.

My biggest monthly expense after housing was $600 for insulin. Twelve years later it is $1,400 that Medicare covers while I live on $1,423 Social Security. I consider myself lucky.

All Democrats voted Aye. All but 12 Republicans, Nay. This is some America

Terry Dempsey, Keizer

Why the big salaries NW Natural?

The March 12 edition of the Statesman Journal, (1A, 'Meeting on natural gas rate disrupted by trollers,') reported the disruption by trollers during a virtual meeting held by NW Natural. According to the article, NW Natural was seeking another gas increase of 10.8% for customers.

NW Natural supplies natural gas in most of northwestern Oregon. It just had an increase the year before. The most egregious aspect of the increase is that executives' salaries range now from $700,000 to $2.7 million.

I want NW Natural to explain the justification for such huge salaries.

Marjorie E. Kmetz, Salem

This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: Oregonians weigh in on natural gas, the Post Office and May primaries