By the numbers: Election 2016

304: Number of Electoral College Votes won by Republican President-elect Donald Trump

2.8 million: Number of votes by which Democrat Hillary Clinton beat Trump in the national popular vote

$2.17 billion: Estimated amount spent by the presidential candidates and groups supporting them in the 2016 White House race

$242 million: Amount by which Clinton's campaign out-raised that of Trump

$66.1 million: Amount Trump contributed to his 2016 presidential campaign from his own personal funds

$600 million: Amount Trump, in 2011, said he would personally spend on a presidential campaign

$30 million: Amount the National Rifle Association spent on ads aiding Trump in the presidential race

$1 million: Price of top-tier sponsorship package for a "sporting, shooting, fishing and conservation" charity event that promised access to Trump and his adult sons immediately after Trump's inauguration

2: Number of days it took for Trump and his sons to disavow the event after widespread criticism

$20.4 million: Amount billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam Adelson, combined to give to pro-Trump super PACs and other groups backing Trump

This story is part of Buying of the President 2016. Tracking the candidates, political committees and nonprofits that are making this presidential election the most expensive in history. Click here to read more stories in this investigation.

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$6.2 million: Amount former World Wrestling Entertainment executive Linda McMahon, who Trump picked to serve in his Cabinet as the Small Business Administration administrator, donated to pro-Trump political groups ahead of the election

33: Number of states that will be led by a Republican governor in 2017

3-to-1: Factor by which Team Clinton outgunned Team Trump on the TV airwaves during the general election

11: Percentage of TV ads sponsored by Team Clinton in Nevada during the general election that were in Spanish

Oct. 29: Date on which Clinton first aired general election campaign ads in Wisconsin, a state she ultimately lost to Trump by about 22,000 votes

$769,500: Top amount a single individual donor contributed to the Hillary Victory Fund, a committee that benefited Clinton’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee and a host of state Democratic party committees

$47,300: Amount "James Bond" actor Daniel Craig donated in 2015 to a purportedly pro-Bernie Sanders super PAC founded by a man who was arrested by the FBI in 2016 for securities fraud

$250,000: Minimum contribution amount to Trump’s inaugural committee needed to secure tickets to an “elegant,” “candlelight dinner” in Washington, D.C., at which Donald and Melania Trump, as well as Vice President-elect Mike Pence and Karen Pence, are slated to make special appearances

$3.3 million: Combined amount that oil giant Chevron, the 14th-largest publicly traded company in America, donated during the 2015-2016 election cycle to two super PACs focused on helping Republicans maintain control of Congress

$3.1 trillion: Estimated market capitalization of companies represented at tech company meeting in December with Trump

$2,403,082: Amount Google, Facebook and Amazon employees together gave to Clinton’s presidential campaign

$36,511: Amount they gave to Trump’s campaign

8,000: Approximate square footage of space Trump's organization rented during the late 1990s and early 2000s to an Iranian bank linked to terrorism financing

96: Percentage of campaign donations made by identifiable journalists that went to Clinton (versus Trump) through August

30: Number of days Clinton said it would take her, as president, to propose a constitutional amendment overturning the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision

$450,000: Combined amount of money two pro-Clinton super PACs were forced to return because of questions about the legality of the contributions

49: Number of donors to a pro-Trump super PAC that had their credit card information erroneously published by the group in a federal document

$14.7 million: Estimated amount pot proponents spent on state ballot measure TV ads to boost legal marijuana

$60: Price of ceramic marijuana pipes made by a Bernie Sanders supporter in Oregon, which featured his campaign’s logo

6: Minimum number of current U.S. Supreme Court justices who are millionaires

1: Minimum number of Democratic U.S. Senate candidates to whom Trump campaign finance chairman and Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin donated to this year

Liz Essley Whyte, Chris Zubak-Skees and Allan Holmes contributed to this report

This story was co-published with TIME.

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This story is part of Buying of the President 2016. Tracking the candidates, political committees and nonprofits that are making this presidential election the most expensive in history. Click here to read more stories in this investigation.

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Copyright 2017 The Center for Public Integrity. This story was published by The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization in Washington, D.C.