Nunchucks Are Legal Again in the Mean Streets of New York

Photo credit: Viacom
Photo credit: Viacom

From Esquire

On Friday, a federal court issued a ruling that many people had long been waiting to hear: New York's ban on nunchucks is now considered unconstitutional.

Nunchucks are, of course, the martial arts weapon famously used by Bruce Lee in films like Enter the Dragon, and Michelangelo, the pizza-loving "Party Dude" of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They consist of two rigid rods connected by a rope or chain, are totally badass, and were banned by New York state in 1974 over fears of "widespread mayhem," according to the Associated Press. It was an unfortunate ruling, because as everyone knows, the only way to stop a bad guy with nunchucks is a good guy with nunchucks.

Perhaps no one was more relieved to hear the news than a college professor named James Maloney, who was charged with possession of the weapon back in 2000 and filed a complaint in 2003. This marks the end of an 18-year journey for Maloney, who took his case all the way up to the Supreme Court before the court presumably said "we don't have time for this" and sent it back down in 2010.

Maloney refiled his complaint that year, citing his desire to teach his sons "Shafan Ha Lavan," a nunchuck-based form of martial arts that he had created, obviously. He has also argued for the "recreational, therapeutic, and self-defense utility" of the weapon. In her decision, Judge Pamela Chen cited the 2nd amendment, affirming there was no way the state could justify overruling the constitution.

Congrats to Maloney and all street fighters on their big win. As for Shredder? You're on notice, pal.

Should the state's initial fears be confirmed and we descend into widespread mayhem, it never hurts to be prepared. Here's a good rubber pair that will have you practicing for street combat in no time.

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