NYC’s first NFT restaurant is ‘first use case of a utility-based project’: FlyFish Club CEO

David Rodolitz, Flyfish Club & VCR Group CEO discusses how FlyFish Club is expected to open in early 2023. It is set to become not only New York City’s first but the world’s first dining club where memberships are purchased through an NFT. Co-founders of FlyFish Club include Gary Vaynerchuk, David Rodolitz, and Josh Capon.

Video Transcript

DAVID RODOLITZ: Our project is based on utility, and most of the NFT projects to date have been based on digital art or a collectible, and a lot of things that people aren't really understanding. We've converted a membership which has been around forever into an asset, into ownership. It's going to be a private dining club, so there'll be a robust bar. It'll be a seafood-focused restaurant, and it'll be an outdoor space. And then there'll also be a private omakase room nestled in the back of the club.

I think NFTs in the macro-- NFTs are here to stay. I think you're going to see it disrupt all industries. I think you're going to have to see how more convert more into real-life experiences and utility. I mean, NFTs-- they authenticate ownership. And then to also efficiently be able to transfer that ownership super quickly-- how can that not disrupt all industries?

