Oak Creek unveils historical flag installation for Flag Day

About 100 Oak Creek residents gathered in Drexel Town Square on Tuesday morning. Children raced around in the splash pad, and adults fanned themselves in the 90-degree weather as the Oak Creek high school band played.

“Many of you may not recognize it as a holiday, but Flag Day is a holiday,” Oak Creek Mayor Dan Bukiewicz told residents. “Take time to honor the flag.”

This summer, Drexel Town Square looks a bit different. Each light pole holds a banner, displaying 27 versions of the American flag over time, from the 13-starred flag to the current 50-star version. Each light pole has a QR code posted at the base, so residents can scan it and read the history of each flag. The banners are posted as a walking tour through Drexel Town Square.

A banner hangs in front of Oak Creek city hall on Tuesday, June 14, representing the official U.S. flag from 1908-12.
A banner hangs in front of Oak Creek city hall on Tuesday, June 14, representing the official U.S. flag from 1908-12.

Bukiewicz said the project began with a little boy in 2017. Young Ben Rathke wrote a letter to the mayor, asking why Oak Creek was not decorated in more red, white and blue during the Fourth of July. Bukiewicz said the town posted banners honoring veterans in previous years, but it was time to honor Ben's wish this summer.

“It just kind of goes to show that sometimes the smallest people can have some really big ideas and big impacts on community,” Bukiewicz said. “I can't say how proud I am that this young boy wrote us and, you know, this is really a result of his inspiration.”

Sons of the American Legion Post 494 also hosted a flag-burning ceremony to retire old flags that had become unserviceable.  The Sons is a group of men who have relatives who served in a branch of the U.S. military.

Commander Mike Heller said his wife had just returned home after a year in the U.S. Navy, joining him and their three young children.

Heller lowered flags into the fire as members of the Post members handed him unserviceable flags.

Sons of the American Legion Post 494 Commander Mike Heller lowers an unserviceable flag into the fire on Tuesday, June 14. Oak Creek hosted a Flag Day ceremony to unveil historical flag banners in town square.
Sons of the American Legion Post 494 Commander Mike Heller lowers an unserviceable flag into the fire on Tuesday, June 14. Oak Creek hosted a Flag Day ceremony to unveil historical flag banners in town square.

“We’ve got service members that are coming home today that are scarred internally,” Heller said. “You got moms, dads, brothers, sisters, daughters taking their time and signing their name on that line and sacrificing so much for people they’ve never met.”

Bukiewicz said they are completing the patriotic display with a flag art statue, and are hoping to be done by July 4. He added that Ben would be there to see the final installation inspired by his letter.

The high school band played the final notes to close the Flag Day the ceremony.

Karol Broudy, 18, just graduated from Oak Creek High School and plans to go into the military. “I want to get as many band experiences in as possible before I actually leave,” Broudy said. “Band has made such an impact on my life.”

Band teacher Amy Fuchs directs the Oak Creek High School band in the town square at the Flag Day ceremony on Tuesday, June 14.
Band teacher Amy Fuchs directs the Oak Creek High School band in the town square at the Flag Day ceremony on Tuesday, June 14.

Lydia Morrell can be reached at 320-444-2339 or lmorrell@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter at @lydia_morrell

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Oak Creek adorns Drexel Town Square with flags