Oakland neighborhood in shock after 7-Eleven security guard killed

OAKLAND – Residents of an Oakland neighborhood are in shock after a security guard of a 7-Eleven store was killed while trying to stop a robbery last week.

Melody Parker had made a lot of trips to the 7-Eleven at 2350 Harrison Street in Oakland's Adams' Point neighborhood.  But on Monday, the nature of her trip was unlike any other.

"It's just sad," she said. "It hits really close to home – almost like a family member out here."

Parker showed up on Monday to pay her respects to a man who became a victim of senseless violence in Oakland.

James Johnson, a security guard there, was shot and killed on Friday night while trying to stop a robbery.

Security guard James Johnson was shot dead at an Oakland 7-Eleven on Friday. / Credit: Family Photo
Security guard James Johnson was shot dead at an Oakland 7-Eleven on Friday. / Credit: Family Photo

In new surveillance video, acquired by CBS News Bay Area, the video shows Johnson and the suspect exchanging words in an aisle near the door. It appears that the suspect is holding something. Seconds later, Johnson throws something at the suspect, the suspect shoots Johnson and runs out the door.

Parker described Johnson as a good man, someone who always made you feel welcome.

"As soon as you walk in he'd greet you with a smile," she said. "You could feel the energy."

His daughter, who goes by Snow, described him to CBS News Bay Area as a protector and kind.

"He was protecting the family at 7-Eleven because I know how my father is," she said. "He would do that for anybody who he cared about and loved."

Mark Blunck, who lives nearby, took a moment to pay his respects on Monday. He says crime is getting worse in this part of Oakland.

"It was always, you know, on the other side of the lake," he said. "You expected that."

He doesn't have plans to leave the place he has called home since the 1990s, but has changed habits.

"About three or four months ago, I decided no matter how much I wanted something to snack on at night, I'm not going outside," he said. "It's not worth it."

Parker was also surprised the crime happened here.

"I was appalled," she said. "When I heard I was like whoa, whoa, they must have the wrong location."

She says the community needs to come together to put an end to senseless violence.

"You know – come on. You know? Let's work together. We've got to build a village," Parker said.

The Oakland Police Department was unavailable Monday for an on-camera interview. A spokesperson says the search for a suspect is ongoing, but did not have a suspect description.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the department's Homicide Section at (510) 238-3821 or the TIP LINE at (510) 238-7950.

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