Oceana air show returns in September, honoring women trailblazers

Naval Air Station Oceana’s annual air show will return in September, with a theme of honoring women in naval aviation.

The 2023 show will be held at the Virginia Beach base Sept. 16-17.

“Our theme this year pays tribute to the Navy’s women trailblazers, from ‘The First Six’ to earn their Wings of Gold, to the exemplary leaders who have since chosen to serve their nation in the skies,” said Capt. Steve Djunaedi, NAS Oceana commanding officer, during an announcement Tuesday at the base.

The lineup will feature the Navy’s flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels; the F-35C II Lightning Demonstration Team; and the F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team. The performance schedule will be announced as the event nears.

The Fleet Logistics Support Squadron hangar at the airfield will also be open during the air show, hosting a variety of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities throughout the weekend.

NAS Oceana’s annual air show typically draws 250,000 to 300,000 visitors. The event is open to the public, and admission and parking are free.

The show started in 1953 and has been held nearly every year since 1962, only missing two years during the pandemic before returning last September.

“As a military community, Virginia Beach will always have a special kinship with those who fight to defend our freedoms,” said Bobby Dyer, mayor of Virginia Beach.

Caitlyn Burchett, caitlyn.burchett@virginiamedia.com
