S-OCS approves secured bullet-proof entry bids

The Spencer-Owen Community Schools Board of School Trustees met last week and approved a bid for secured, bullet-proof entries at each of the elementary schools.

Board president Chad Cooper and board members Jack White, Amber Willen, Sonia Brinson, Rick Smeltzer, Derek Morgan and Mark Rogers were all present at the meeting.

At the start of the meeting, the board began their business with considering their consent agenda. Willen moved to approve the consent agenda, and Rogers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.

The board then considered a slew of actions to approve the 2023 budget and adopted the following list of resolutions: ordinance or resolution for appropriations and tax rate, resolution to adopt the year 2023 capital project fund plan, resolution to adopt the year 2023 bus replacement plan, rainy day transfer resolution, resolution for 2023 budget hearing, 2023 budget transfer resolution, resolution to transfer amounts from education fund to the operations fund, and resolution authorizing tax anticipation warrants for 2023. Brinson moved to approve the request, which Morgan seconded. The motion passed 7-0.

The board then considered a request for an overnight field trip for the Owen Valley High School BETA Club to attend the Indiana State BETA Club Convention in Evansville in November. Willen moved to approve the field trip. Smeltzer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Next, the board considered approving a resolution for a design-build request for the middle school and high school greenhouse. Morgan moved to approve the request, and Brinson seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.

Then, the board considered permission to purchase VUV units for Spencer Elementary School improvements. Superintendent Andy Cline said this is so they will have the materials when they move forward with the project and that there is no cost to returning the materials. Smeltzer moved to approve the request, and Rogers seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.

The board then moved on to consideration of the bid for secured school entry improvements. The bid was $880,000 to make the improvements to all four elementary schools throughout the district. Morgan moved to approve the request. Willen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Next, the board considered acceptance of the 2022-2023 High Ability Grant for $28,940. Brinson moved to approve the request, which was seconded by White. The motion passed 7-0.

The board then considered approving a resolution for technical corrections to NEOLA policies. Cline said these changes are to change ISTEP to ILEARN, which replaced ISTEP as the standardized test. Willen moved to approve the request, and Rogers seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The board also approved the following new hires: Rebecca Nelson as a 29-hour per week custodian for SES; Heidi Kleine-McCadden as unit leader for Owen Valley Middle School; Taylor England as an instructional assistant for SES; Nakita Morrow as an instructional assistant for SES; Tiffany Conder, instructional assistant for McCormick’s Creek Elementary School; Katelyn Long, instructional assistant for Patricksburg Elementary School; and Russell Callaway’s status quo contract.

The board will meet again at 7 p.m. Oct. 7 at Owen Valley Middle School.

This article originally appeared on Evening World: S-OCS approves secured entry bids